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Archive for the ‘QSL’

New QSLs Oct-Nov

November 15, 2013 By: admin Category: DX-listening, QSL

Not much going on QSL-wise. I have been listening to files more than sending reports. And lately I have sent reception reports mostly to “difficult” stations (no f/ups lately). But still some QSLs have arrived:

574. R Constanta 1530 kHz

The difficult station to hear, but now I have heard this a couple of times lately. Ionel Doxan replied to email quickly.

575. Flame CCR, South Wirral 1521 kHz

I heard this station in October for the first time. This is very DX friendly station. V/s is Keith Robertshaw.

576. Radio Popular de Bilbao 900 kHz

Quite common station lately on 900. Carlos Olazar replied quickly via email.

577. AIR Indore 648 kHz

Heard with local IDs. K.C. Sharma from GOS replied in 3 days.

578. CMKS Radio Trinchera Antiimperialista, Guantánamo 1020 kHz

This station has been heard quite frequently during this season. They replied in 5 days via email.

579. CMLL Radio Victoria, Las Tunas, LT 1050 kHz

Friendly quick email from David Iglesias. This Cuban I have heard only once.

580. HJCN Radio BBN, Bogotá 1100 kHz

The second BBN QSL in 2013. QSL via email in 2 days.

581. Emisora Nuevo Continente, Bogota 1460 kHz

Quick reply from Manuel Zabala, Gerente.

582. HJBO Emisora Minuto de Dios, Barranquilla 1370 kHz

1370 is very busy frequency but I have heard Minuto de Dios frequently. Quick reply via email.

583. YVNA Ondas de los Medanos, Coro 660 kHz

Not the most common YV station. Replied via Facebook.

Flame 1521


September 16, 2013 By: admin Category: BC-stations, Contesting, QSL

Condx on the 15th of September were not very good despite of promising indexes. So nothing new found (so far). During the weekend I emailed a bunch of reception reports and even got some answers.

567. CBN St. John’s NL 640 kHz

CBN is one of the most common Canadians here (with VOCM, 930 CJYQ/CFBC and 1400 CBG). I haven’t sent any report to them before this, so I was happy to get a quick replay from Denise Wilson, Managing Director.

568. WIOD Miami FL 610 kHz

WIOD is one of few new NA stations of the season logged so far. Grace Blazer, Program Director replied to me quite quickly. She is also working for 940 WINZ, which should be possible to hear as well.


569. YVKH Radio Recuerdos, Caracas 1300 kHz

It has been a challenge to find working email addresses to Latin American stations. I have now heard 26 Venezuelan MW-stations but only got 4 QSLs – almost half of them I have never reached – emails have been bouncing. But YVKH Radio Recuerdos, Caracas replied in 2 days. I believe that this station has been more common in the past, I heard it for the first time on 2.9.2013. V/s was Juan Carlos Bello, Gerente de Mercadeo. Juan Carlos wrote eg.: Es un placer saber que, en lugares tan lejanos a Venezuela, escuchan nuestras transmisiones y esperamos que pueda seguir escuchándola. Un gran saludo desde Venezuela y esperaos que siga encontrando nuevas estaciones que sumar a su contgeo.

QSL from Radio Sighet

August 20, 2013 By: admin Category: DX-listening, QSL

542. Radio Sighet 1404 kHz
I heard Romanian regional radio Radio Sighet in the afternoon in last December. I didn’t get replay to my email but now to my f/up via Facebook was answered in 3 minutes! They wrote that I was listening to Ukrainian programme which is for Ukrainian speaking minority in Maramureș County. According to Wikipedia Maramureș has 31,234 Ukrainian inhabitans which is 6.77 % of all population. Hungarian minority is even a bit larger (7.53 %).

New country confirmed: St. Maarten!

August 07, 2013 By: admin Category: BC-stations, QSL

The nicest suprise last February for me was to hear PJD-2 The Voice of St.Maarten, Philipsburg 1300 kHz with a good signal and excellent station ID: “This PJD-2 radio celebrating 40 years …”. You can listen to MP3-file here: 1300kHz PJD-2 The Voice of St.Maarten, Philipsburg 260213 0059.

I sent an email to the station and also sent a Facebook message but until today I didn’t get replay. But now MarieClaire, marketing manager, sent me a brief message on Facebook:

1300 PJD2 Radio 250213

Sint Maarten is quite new DX-country. Until 2010 it was a part of Netherlands Antilles, but now it is a constituent country of the Kingdom of the Netherlands. The northern part of the same island is “Saint-Martin”, a part of France.

RFA and Radio 538 confirmed

August 07, 2013 By: admin Category: DX-listening, QSL

Radio Free Asia Tinian Island 12140 kHz
RFA was quick! I emailed them on Thursday and on Wednesday QSL arrived via snail mail! QSL from Oceania is always nice. In the photo above is also a QSL card from CRI French service, which arrived today too.

Radio 538 891 kHz
This Dutch station is quite easy to hear here, but I don’t remember if I ever have sent a reception report to them. Now they replied in one day to my Dutch email.

2 QSLs to follow-up reports

August 06, 2013 By: admin Category: DX-listening, QSL

Today I sent some more f/up-reports for stations I heard last year. Luckily I got two quick responses:

HJKR Radio María, Bogotá 1220 kHz
When I noticed this clip, I remembered that I just received verification from Radio María on 1580 kHz. And for my enjoyment Marina Meza replied to my email and verified this other Maria. This HJKR I have heard only once – last November.

WOOD Grand Rapids MI 1300 kHz
Since last Autumn I have heard WOOD often during the stateside openings. I didn’t got replay to my first report but then today Phil Tower, Director of Programming & Operations replied to my email quickly.

So QSL total 2013 is now 140.


QSL: All 2013

May 21, 2013 By: admin Category: BC-stations, DX-listening, QSL

I have had time to add every QSL I’ve got to my blog – have received too many 🙂 67 QSLs in 142 days. So here is a basic list what I’ve got in 2013:

LKB / LLE Bergen Kringkaster 1314
Country Radio 1062
NRK Finnmark 153

Free Radio 80s 1017
BBC R Nottingham 1584

RNE1 Extremadura 648
RNE5 Comunitat Valenciana 558

IRIB R Tabriz, Āzarbāijān-e Sharqi 1026
IRIB R Semnan, Semnan 1008
R Ashna, Kabul 1296
VoRussia, Orzu 927
IRIB R Mahabad, Mahabad 882
IRIB R Khorāsān-e Razavi, Mashhad 684

RA Brandon 5995

WARV Warvick RI 1590
CJCB Sydney NS 1270
CJRS Montreal QC 1650
WWVA Wheeling WV 1170
CHIN Toronto ON 1540
CJBK London ON 1290
WTIC Hartford CT 1080
WHIO Dayton OH 1290
CKAC Montréal QC 730
WBBR New York NY 1130
CKOC Hamilton ON 1150
CFMJ Richmond Hill ON 640
CKDO Oshawa ON 1580
WTAQ Green Bay WI 1360
WBT Charlotte NC 1110
CFRB Toronto ON 1010
WZAN Portland ME 970
WJNO West Palm Beach FL 1290
WGVU Kentwood MI 1480
CKSL London ON 1410
CFCO Chatham ON 630
WEAV Plattsburgh NY 960
WLOB Portland ME 1310
WOAI San Antonio TX 1200
WHBY Kimberly WI 1150
CHRB High River AB 1140
WMVP Chicago IL 1000
KKXA Snohomish WA 1520
KRKO Everett WA 1380
CFTR Toronto ON 680
KFNW West Fargo ND 1200
CJME Regina SK 980
CKMX Calgary AB 1060
CJYE Oakville ON 1250
WLQV Detroit MI 1500
WQAM Miami FL 560
CINA Missisauga ON 1650
WAKR Akron OH 1590
WGN Chicago IL 720
WSAU Wausau WI 560
CKSW Swift Current SK 570
WXEX Exeter NH 1540
WAMG Dedham MA 890
WFNN Erie PA 1330
CKLW Windsor ON 800
WRED Westbrook ME 1440

HOQ62 Ritmo Stereo, Chitré 890
R Rebelde 710
R Rebelde, Victoría de las Tunas 770
WAPA San Juan 680
XEQ Bésame AM 940, Ciudad de México DF 940

YVMN R Coro, Coro 780
R Bendita Trinidad, El Alto 1540
R Bendita Trinidad, Tarija 1480


QSL: NRK Nordland and LKB / LLE Bergen Kringkaster

January 16, 2013 By: admin Category: BC-stations, DX-listening, QSL

Lots of QSLs have arrived in the last weeks. Actually already 20 this year! So I have not had time to update my blog. Anyway I have got two interesting QSLs from Norway:
first NRK Nordland local programme on 675 kHz. This transmitter was closed on the 31st of December 2012. I sent my report for local programme heard earlier and got a replay from DX Listerners Club Norway’s Svein Olav Pedersen. I also recorded the final seconds of transmission via Haparanda Perseus over the web. You can listen them here.

LKB / LLE Bergen Kringkaster is temporary station which sends sometimes on old Kvitsoy frequency 1314 kHz. They send instrumental music, voice IDs in Norwegian and callsign with Morse. Output power is a bit over 100 watts. Check the website here. Svenn Martinsen, Broadcast Coordinator replied with an email in 2 weeks.

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QSL: BBC Radio Cumbria 756 kHz

December 18, 2012 By: admin Category: BC-stations, QSL

QSL-wise it has been quite slow. From the last batch of reports sent only one QSL received. Fortunately we had very good North America propagation one week ago during the weekend and I have now maybe 20-25 reports to send. Last weekend on Saturday I added some wire to my main antenna, 285 meters to 295 degrees, and now it is 525 meters long. Now problem is that I can’t listen to MW when Preiviiki 963kHz is sending at all – with shorter wire I was able to do it with 30dB attenuator on. Last weekend propagation was not so good but some CA/SA and Canadians were audible – probably good enough to one or two reports.

So my only QSL recently has been BBC Radio Cumbria. The report was sent for 756 kHz but I have heard 837 kHz also. Assistant editor Graham Moss replied in one day with an email.

QSL: WNIK Arecibo 1230 kHz

November 13, 2012 By: admin Category: BC-stations, DX-listening, QSL

This season I have logged quite many MW stations from Puerto Rico. In the 1980s and 1990s I don’t remember hearing many of them in Pori. WNIK Arecibo was heard in the 5th of October 2012 with ID “Unica Radio 1230 AM” on 1230 kHz. WNIK is not the most common PTR-station – WCMN from same town on 1280 kHz is much more often heard here. V/s Jose G Garcia Gonzales replied to my email with very short answer: “saludos si es wnik 1230”. Well, it is clearly a QSL … and my first one from Puerto Rico!

WNIK has a live stream on USTREAM.