OH1NOA Ham Radio and DXing/MWDX Site

Archive for the ‘WWFF’

OH1NOA Baltic Summer Tour 2022: “Seven Nation WWFF Award”

July 01, 2022 By: admin Category: Awards, DX Pedition, WWFF

Work me (OH1NOA/OH1NA/ES1NOA) during my summer trip at least once from each country which I activate!

Travel plan:

3.7.2022 ES9EFF ESFF-0001 Karula National Park

4.7.2022 YL/OH1NOA

5.7.2022 LY/OH1NOA

6.-8.7.2022 SP/OH1NOA/P

9.-10.7.2022 DL/OH1NOA/P

11.-13.7.2022 OZ/OH1NOA/P

14.-17.7.2022 SM/OH1NOA/P

So you need at least one qso to ES, YL, LY, SP, DL, OZ and SM to earn “Seven Nation WWFF Award” in the spirit of The White Stripes!

Claim your free PDF-award by sending your qso information to after the trip!

Peace! 44!


OH1NOA Baltic Sea WWFF Summer Tour 2022

June 20, 2022 By: admin Category: Ham radio, WWFF

I am on the road again this summer! Please follow my trip by working me from the different WWFF-parks around the Baltic Sea. Don’t hesitate to work me on multiple bands and modes, more qsos is more fun!

I am travelling a bit more relaxed this summer so the most of the days only one reference is activated (maybe few exceptions in SP, OZ and SM). This leaves more time for my other hobby: beer hunting!

Travel plan:

3.7.2022 ES9EFF ESFF-0001 Karula National Park

4.7.2022 YL/OH1NOA

5.7.2022 LY/OH1NOA

6.-8.7.2022 SP/OH1NOA/P

9.-10.7.2022 DL/OH1NOA/P

11.-13.7.2022 OZ/OH1NOA/P

14.-17.7.2022 SM/OH1NOA/P


SRAL OHFF-webinaari – linkkejä

November 04, 2021 By: admin Category: Ham radio, OHFF, WWFF

Pidin SRAL:n ehdotuksesta 2.11.2021 reilulle 50 kuulijalle webinaarin aiheesta “WWFF/OHFF-toiminnan perusoppimäärä hunttereille ja aktivaattoreille”. Reilun puolentoista tunnin esitys tulee myöhemmin YouTubeen katsottavaksi. En sisältänyt juurikaan webbilinkkejä esitykseen, joten ajattelin tähän kerätä WWFF-aiheisia tarpeellisia linkkejä:

World Wide Flora & Fauna kotisivut:

WWFF Agenda – tulevat puskapeditiot:

WWFFWatch – puskaclusteri:

WWFF Maps – eri maiden puskat kartalla:

WWFF Directory – luettelo WWFF-alueista:

OHFF Kotisivut:

OHFF-kartta Google Mapsissa:

OHFF-kartta aktivointitiedoin:

Protected Planet -tietokanta:

FLE Fast Log Entry -lokiohjelma:

FLE:n käyttö ja muita lokiohjeita:

VK port-a-log tabletille:

OH3BHL OHFF-sivut:



b-bark äppi:

SOTABeams – tarvikkeita portable-operointiin:

Spiderbeam – tarvikkeita portable-operointiin:

OHFF WhatsApp cluster-ryhmä:

OHFF WhatsApp vapaa keskustelu-ryhmä:

OH6KZP vierailee OH1NOA/P:n asemalla

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My current WWFF-portable set up

April 26, 2021 By: admin Category: DX Pedition, OHFF, WWFF

My (OH1NOA, ES1NOA, OH0NOA) current set up for the portable WWFF operations is the following:

  • Transceiver: Kenwood TS-2000 (has ATU inside), usually running 50-70 W
  • Antenna: HyEndCompany 8 band end-fed antenna + Aircell 5 coax (maybe 15m long), reserve antenna: 3-band link dipole
  • Mast: SOTABeams Tactical 7000 HDS, heavy duty 7m mast, I use some starch el-wire to tie the mast to tree
  • Battery: 26Ah VRLA/gel lead battery (I have two for multi-park activations + two chargers to charge both overnight)
  • Schurr Profi II CW paddle, paper log with pen, light KOSS-headphones
  • light foldable outdoor chair and table
  • small UST All-Weather Tarp 2.4×1.8 for rainy weather (easy to install in 2 minutes, weight 400grams), for heavy rain I have DD Hammock 3x3m tarp in reserve
  • cheap light tarpaulin for ground (if it is wet or dirty)
  • paracord rope for antenna and tarp
  • food, water, Mora-knife, some tools, Gorilla + electric tape + some small things …

OH1NOA WWFF Summer Tour 2020 to Baltic States – statistics

August 23, 2020 By: admin Category: DX Pedition, WWFF

My summer trip to Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania is now over.

Here is some statistics:
– 15 activation days (+2 travel days) – activated 1-3 references every day (+before WWFF activation operated as ES1NOA/2 in IARU contest some 200qs)
– 28 references
– 2800+ kilometres
– 5932 qsos in the log
– 31 stations worked at least 44 qsos to qualify for an award
– OH1IU had the most qsos (105), followed by OH5KT (103) and OH6GAZ (101)
– 7 stations worked me from every 28 references: OH1IU, OH6RP, OH6GAZ, OH4MFA, OH1XT, OG7J and SP8LEP. SQ2LKY, SP2SV, ON4ON and OH1LD got 27.
– the most popular reference was LYFF-0189 Karkles with 339 qsos
– the lowest qso number was from ESFF-0171 Padaoru, 119 qsos

OH1NOA/P OHFF Summer tour 2019

June 24, 2019 By: admin Category: DX Pedition, OHFF, WWFF

In English:

OH1NOA/P OHFF Summer tour 2019

Timo OH1NOA/P will activate about 30 OHFF-references between 30.6.-13.7.2019. About 30 OHFF-refs will be on the air from former OH6, OH8, OH7, OH4, OH5 and OH3 districts. I plan to activate 2 or 3 references per day. The first site will be OHFF-0003 Helvetinjärvi (The Lake of Hell) National Park. Read exact plans day or two before the activation from WWFF Agenda. If you are able to work OH1NOA/P during this tour 44 times or more, you will earn a special activation award (in PDF-format, please send your email).

I will QSL contacts to LOTW (with OHC-county info). Notice that sometimes daily plans change – especially when wx is bad (=thunderstorm) or equipment fails.

In some areas mobile phone coverage is weak, so please spot me if there is no recent spot!

In Finnish:

OH1NOA/P kesäkiertue 2019 OHFF-puskiin

OH1NOA/P aktivoi noin 30 OHFF-aluetta välillä 30.6.-13.7.2019. Aktiviteetti alkaa sunnuntaina 30.6. Helvetinjärven kansallispuistosta päättyen kesäleiriviikonloppuun Hämeenlinnassa. Puskia tulee ääneen entisistä OH6, 8, 7, 4, 5 ja 3-piireistä. Päivittäin pyrin aktivoimaan 2 tai 3 puskaa. Kaikki qsot tervetulleita. Seuraa tarkemmin Agendalta, klusterilta sekä Mikäli onnistut workkimaan kiertueelta vähintään 44 qsoa, saat PDF-muotoisen erikoisaktiviteettiawardin (lähetä email-osoitteesi).

Puskasuunnitelma tarkentuu matkan aikana, mutta matkareitti on: Pori-Keuruu-Pihtipudas-Sotkamo-Nurmes-Pielinen-Kitee-Lappeenranta-Kotka-Hämeenkoski-SRAL:n kesäleiri. Helvetinjärven lisäksi ääneen tulee useampi muukin kansallispuisto. Voit myös ehdottaa aktivoitavia puskia! Suunnitelmissa aina sää-  (mm. ukkonen) ja tekniikkavaraus. QSO:t kuitataan mm. Lotwiin – näissä kuittauksissa on mukana OHC-kuntanumero.

Matkapuhelinverkko voi olla välillä heikko, joten kuullessasi spottaa minut klusterille mikäli sitä ei ole kukaan juuri äsken tehnyt!

Preferred QRGs – suosikkitaajuudet:

3544 3694 7024 7195 10124 14044 14144 (14325) 18084 18144 21044 21244 24904 24944 28044 28444

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OH0NOA/p – preliminary WWFF refs list

May 13, 2019 By: admin Category: DX Pedition, Ham radio, WWFF

Preliminary WWFF list for my OH0NOA/P DX-pedition:
Thursday 30th May
OHFF-0569 Träsket
Friday 31st May
OHFF-0586 Karlträsk
OHFF-0590 Ramsholmen
OHFF-0562 Lillnäsberget – Tingö
Saturday 1st June
OHFF-0589 Höckböleholmen
OHFF-0581 Prästgårdsnäset
OHFF-0587 Gloviken
Sunday 2nd June
OHFF-0565 Nåtö och jungfruskär naturreservat

There are some “reserve” references if some of these are impossible to activate. (Edited: 2019-05-14)

WWFF: OH1NOA/P Lavijärven-Palojärven kalliot OHFF-0275

April 15, 2019 By: admin Category: Ham radio, WWFF

After few weeks absence from WWFF, I had time to hit the road again. On the 20th of October 2018, Saturday, my first area was OHFF-0275 Lavijärven-Palojärven kalliot. It is a kind of hill view place in the border of former Lavia (now a part of Pori) and Suodenniemi.

Operation took place at Pirulanvuori (=Devil’s Mountain) next to the observation tower on it. There is a parking lot next to road 259. Then you need to take a path up to the tower. It is maybe 200 meters hike uphill. I set up my station next to the tower near the cliff with takeoff to the Palojärvi lake toward the west. I also climbed to the tower, it has outstanding view to the lakes of Palojärvi, Lavijärvi and Miekkajärvi. This scenery is used in the backside of Finnish 1 euro coin! Certainly one of the finest sceneries where I have operated.

We had nice sunny weather, very cold: +2C but early morning propagation was super good. I operated a bit longer than usual as pileups were so good, so I ended to 258 qsos with 218 different stations in 2 hours 10 minutes. It is so far (as 04/2019) my personal record and hard to beat!

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Easter WWFF trip to Estonia – ES1NOA

April 12, 2019 By: admin Category: DX Pedition, WWFF

During the Easter I will activate my new Estonian ham radio call ES1NOA. The plan is also to activate several Estonian WWFF (ESFF) references for the first time. I am currently Estonian WWFF manager. I will use about 70 watts and EFHW (41m long) and 40/30/20m link dipole as a reserve. Modes are CW&SSB. Bands available: 80/40/30/20/17/15/12/10m. Times are just rough estimations and references are subject to change. Weather forecast shows warm and sunny weather.

Friday 19th April

1430-1630 ESFF-0278 Paljassaare, call: ES1NOA/1

Saturday 20th April

0630-0830 ESFF-0283 Suurupi ES1NOA/2

1000-1200 ESFF-0287 Vääna MKA ES1NOA/2

1400-1600 ESFF-0160 Niitvälja ES1NOA/2

Sunday 21st April

0600-0800 ESFF-0198 Rahumäe ES1NOA/1

0930-1130 ESFF-0239 Vansi ES1NOA/2

1330-1530 ESFF-0195 Rabivere ES1NOA/3

Monday 22nd April

It is possible that I will activate some OHFF-reference on the way back to home (OH2 or OH3 district). Call: OH1NOA/p

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My portable WWFF set up

April 09, 2019 By: admin Category: OHFF, WWFF

Now when I write this, I have activated 26 Finnish WWFF-references. Equipment I am using “in the bushes” and having with me on the road is as follows:

  • TS-2000E Radio + mic + Bencher-keyer (total about 9 kg). Now I have used 75 W out, perhaps will reduce power a bit more.
  • 12V 26Ah VRLA-battery (about 7 kg), I have two of them (identical). Ideally I can operate from 2 references (3-3,5 hrs) with one battery. Cables.
  • 41m End-Fed-antenna 80-10m
  • SOTABeams 40/30/20m link dipole, I am able to tune it to 80 meters but it doesn’t work very well there. This acts like a reserve antenna. My EFHW stopped to tune last time! The dipole is also ideal in the place where I don’t have enough room for 41m wire.
  • Fiberglass fishing pole 7 m – I need to buy another one. Fortunately these cost only 10-15 euros. I have also a set of guy ropes (2 ropes) for it. I attach my dipole from the feeding point just by using electric tape. It is very light antenna, so it is very easy and quick to erect but I need to lower the wires for band change. For EFHW I have one kind of shackle on top of pole, wire goes through it and guy ropes keep the mast still. So EFHW setup is like upside down letter V. For dipole I don’t need guy ropes as dipole itself has supporting wires.
  • Mount for pole – I use fence post mount which is very handy especially if you have soft ground.
  • Cable ties to attach EFHW matching unit to tree.
  • Travel chair.
  • Plastic box for random stuff + acting as a table for rig. I will have a light travel table soon.
  • Light cheap plastic tarp for ground – it keeps operating area cleaner and dry.
  • DD Hammock 3x3m tarp for rainy weather + Paracord for attaching, I also have one smaller tarp for quicker rain cover.
  • Plastic IKEA chopping board where I write my log + logbooks (light notebooks) + pencils.
  • Some tools like wire cutters and Mora knife, some electric tape and Gorilla tape (a must!).
  • Thermos for coffee + random food and water
  • two backbags for carrying

These are carried by two people. Total weight about 20 kgs. Usually I don’t have DD Hammock tarp with me if there is no rain. I also leave another battery to car.