This blog has been silent for months and months. I have now decided to activate it, but not for ham radio like domain says. I will report here more about my BC listening results. I am currently quite active medium- and shortwave listener and it is very good combination with the ham radio activities. I am using nowadays Perseus SDR-radio and three longwire antennas 240 to 280 meters (50, 295 and 335 degrees).
I usually listen to mediumwaves in Viasvesi, Pori. Location is only some 5 miles from 600kW Pori (ex-YLE) MW transmitter, which sends China Radio International and some other programmes eg. between 0300-0700 UTC. As you can guess, it ruins much of my sunrise listening. So time to time I have possibility to use antenna farm of my friend Patrik PW/OH6GDX in Petalax, some 150 miles north of Pori.
In Petalax I was between the 19th and 21st October 2012. We had some interesting openings to Great Lakes area and to Iran (about that a bit later). One of the stations identified was WAAM from Ann Arbour, Michigan, on 1600 kHz.
News & Operations Director Dan Martin answered to my report quickly via email. Short replay confirmed that I have listening to their station.