The new MW season started here and I switched from FM to MW. FM season was reasonably ok as late summer had few decent openings. I still have few recordings from Es season, but I have mostly done with it. MW propagation has been as bad as it was during the spring. La Plata has been heard the most mornings when there has been a transatlantic opening. The best catch so far has been 780 Radio Nuevo Tiempo, Juliaca. I think this was the first time when this station was heard in Finland and I managed to get a reply via Facebook from the station.
QSLs are copied from another forum:
61. BIH: Radio Preporod 95.20 16.7.15 em 0d
62. CZE: Český rozhlas Vltava 95.60 26.6.15 em 1d v/s Mgr. Lukáš Hurník Ph.D., šéfredaktor
63. D: Bayern 3 94.00 26.6.15 em 1d v/s Stephanie Noll, Hörerservice
64. AUT: Ö2 Radio Steiermark 95.40 26.6.15 em 1d v/s Kurt Nuspl, ORF STEIERMARK I Kundenservice
65. CZE: Český rozhlas Plzeň 106.70 26.6.15 em 0d v/s Michal Žák, vedoucí podpory programu
66. D: B5 Aktuell 106.90 26.6.15 em 4d v/s Manfred Schmitz
67. CZE: Rádio Bonton 99.70 26.6.15 em
68. D: RBB Kulturradio 100.20 26.6.15 em 0d v/s Katrin Stiller
69. SUI: Radio SRF 3 105.60 26.6.15 em 0d v/s Pascal Glaus
70. D: Antenne Niedersachsen 106.30 26.6.15 em 0d v/s Kathrin Gatzemeier
71. D: Antenne 1 100.10 26.6.15 via Facebook
72. D: NDR 2 99.10 26.6.15 em 0d v/s Angie Meister
73. G: BBC Radio Norfolk 95.10 3.7.15 v/s Clare Worden
74. D: YOU FM 95.30 26.6.15 em 0d v/s Andrea
75. D: Hitradio RTL Sachsen 105.20 26.6.15 em 0d v/s Sabine Hickmann, Hörerservice
76. D: BB Radio 105.00 26.6.15 em 0d v/s Sarah Moritz, Hörerservice
77. D: BB Radio Cottbus 107.2 26.6.15 em 0d v/s Sarah Moritz, Hörerservice (korvaa tavan BB Radion)
78. BEL: RTBF Classic 21 96.60 26.6.15 em 0d v/s Le Service Médiation
79. HNG: MTVA Petöfi Rádió 96.70 25.6.15 kirjattu ki, ta v/s Kornél Süveges, Technical Department
80. G: KLFM 96.70 3.8.15 em 0d v/s Darren Taylor, Managing Director
81. D: r.s. 2 103.90 26.6.15 em 1d v/s Frank Nitzschmann, Chefredakteur
82. AUT: Antenne Steiermark 91.20 8.7.15 em 0d v/s Tanja Löscher, Programmassistenz
83. D: RBB Radio Eins 106.10 26.6.15 ko snailmail
84. CZE: ČRo České Budějovice 106.40 26.6.15 ko, avaimenperää, kaulanauhaa ym
85. I: Radio Fragola 104.80 FFF 16.7.15 em 10d v/s Lucia
86. AUT: Ö1 91.20 8.7.15 em 6d v/s Mathilde Soukup
87. KOS: Radio K4 90.20 16.7.15 em 2d v/s Ilir Hamiti, Media Engineer (all time uusi maa!)
88. HNG: Rádió 1 Pécs 88.30 16.7.15 em 1d v/s Incze Annamaria, chief editor, head of news
89. I: Radio Center Music FM 99.10 16.7.15 em 2d
90. I: RAI Radio 1 Veneto 88.10 16.7.15 ki, ko, tarroja ym.
91. I: RAI Radio 1 Emilia Romagna 89.50 16.7.15 em 8d
92. CZE: Rock Radio 89.00 26.6.15 em 11d v/s Jitka Nekolová
93. D: MDR Sachsen-Anhalt 106.50 26.6.15 ko
94. BUL: BNR Hristo Botev 95.30 7.8.15 em 0d v/s Anelia Krandeva
95. BUL: BNR Radio Shumen 93.40 7.8.15 em 2d
96. SVN: Radio Capodistria 103.60 16.7.15 em em 10d v/s Antonio Rocco, Assistant Director General for Italian Programmes
97. ROU: Stil FM 105.50 7.8.15 em 0d v/s Florin Driga
98. NOR: NRK Østlandssendingen 88.70 20.8.15 (eka kuitattu norjalainen!)
99. S: Radio Söderhamn 89.70 20.8.15 em 5d v/s Kjell, Programledare/Reporter (Kjell also mentioned my report in his morning show)
100. D: hr3 106.20 26.6.15 ko
101. D: hr-info 107.30 26.6.15 ko
871. KFQD Anchorage AK 750 em 3d v/s Scott Smith, GM
872. KPOW Powell WY 1260 em 1d v/s Scott Mangold
873. CKWX Vancouver BC 1130 em 1d v/s John Streit
874. CBEF Windsor ON 1550 em 0d v/s Reza Moemeni
875. KHAR Anchorage AK 590 em 0d v/s Joe Campbell, Program Director (1000th “DX rank point”)
888. TRT1 Catalca 702 ko ym
889. TRT Antalya R, Antalya 891 ko ym
890. TRT 1 Radyo Bir, Izmir 927 ko ym
891. TRT Trabzon Radio 954 ko ym
892. SER Radio Zaragoza 873 em 0d v/s Pablo Ignacio Blanco
893. RNE5 Galicia 1503 em 1d v/s Ana Isabel Alvarez Iglesias f/up
894. WPHM Port Huron MI 1380 em 6d v/s Paul Miller
895. KMNQ Brooklyn Park MN 1470 em 0d v/s Steve Miller, Director of Operations
896. KFAR Fairbanks AK 660 em 0d v/s Glenner Anderson
897. WRTO Chicago IL 1200 em 0d v/s Doug Levy, Senior Vice President and General Manager
898. KXSP Omaha NE 590 em 1d v/s John Gaeta, Radio Engineer
899. WPGG Atlantic City NJ 1450 0d via Facebook
903. WTMJ Milwaukee WI 620 0d via Facebook
904. KVNT Eagle River-Big Lake AK 1020 0d v/s Tom Lambert, Broadcast Engineer
905. KYES Rockville MN 1180 8d v/s Bob Benes
906. WDCZ Buffalo NY 970 2d v/s Brian Cunningham, Chief Engineer
910. KSRM Soldotna AK 920 1d v/s Matt Wilson, General Manager
911. KSLD Soldotna AK 1140 1d v/s Matt Wilson, General Manager
912. WSKO Syracuse NY 1260 1d v/s Tom Mitchell, Syracuse Operations Manager
913. KBBI Homer AK 890 0d v/s Terry Rensel, Program Director
914. KNR Qeqertarsuaq 650 0d v/s Leif P. Hendriksen, AV-assistent NEW COUNTRY, GREENLAND!
915. KNR Nuuk 570 0d v/s Leif P. Hendriksen, AV-assistent f/up
916. Sistema Dos, Guayaquil 1080 0d em f/up
917. CX20 Radio Monte Carlo, Montevideo 930 em 0d v/s Franco Benvenuto, Gerente de Programación NEW COUNTRY, URUGUAY!
918. LV9 Radio Salta, Salta 840 via Twitter
919. OAZ7S Radio Nuevo Tiempo, Juliaca 780 FFF via Facebook
920. RNE1 Melilla, Melilla 972 ltr NEW COUNTRY, MELILLA!