MW season started! I started mediumwave monitoring with my remote station one week ago. Unfortunately there was a magnetic storm last week, so propagation has not been very good (before I started, others had heard some USA). Despite of poor signals some interesting stations has been heard here in Pori. I expect some good openings later this week.
Central America
640 1.9. 0300- GDL: Guadeloupe 1ère, Point-à-Pitre. TIK
830 26.8. 0259- DOM: Radio HIJB, Santo Domingo. Also heard 1.9.14. Something done in the tx side? Listen MP3.
1160 27.8. 0300- ATG: Caribbean Radio Lighthouse, St. John’s. Last heard almost exactly one year ago. TIK
560 30.8. 0229- GUY: Voice of Guyana, Georgetown. “VOG”-ID and familiar DJ. Not very strong but heard still one hour later. TIK
570 26.8. 0300- CLM: HJND Señal Radio Colombia, Bogotá. Nice music and nice signal. TIK
710 2.9. 0328- ARG: LRL202 Radio Diez, Buenos Aires. What a suprise with my CA/NA antenna. Announced studio number 45352114. Almost 100% 590 has Radio Continental same time. Upper side of the band no ARG heard! Listen MP3. TIK
790 30.8. 0330- VEN: YVXM Radio Minuto, Barquisimeto. TIK
820 1.9. 0330- PRU: Tentative: OAX4O Radio Libertad, Lima. Religious programme without ID but mostly likely this one. Information from HK: heard in Sweden and UK. Religious programme starts at 0300z. Tack Henrik. Same time Christian pop on 780 – split is same as Radio Victoria, Lima. TIK
890 31.8. 0206- CLM: Radio Galeón de Caracol, Santa Marta. “Caracol Radio”. TIK
910 1.9. 0301- VEN: YVRQ RQ 910, Caracas. My first identified CA/SA from this FQ! Ring bell with time announcement is good indication of this station [.991]. TIK
940 1.9. 0300- CLM: HJTL RCN, Cucuta. TIK
960 1.9. 0328- PRU: OAX4D Radio Panamericana, Lima. Same split than on winter [.938] but now much weaker signal. TIK
1100 1.9. 0300- CLM: HJCN Radio BBN, Bogotá. TIK
1130 27.8. 0301- VEN: Radio Ideal, Maiquetia. TIK
1140 26.8. 0232- CLM: HJCL R Panamericana, Girardot. TIK
1140 30.8. 0230- PRU: OCU2D Chami R, Otuzco. Lots of QSB but heard long time. TIK
1300 31.8. 0130- UNID: UNID. La Voz de la Liberación -px with good signal. Split [.982] fits to Radio Reloj but format not. Anyhow it is most likely Radio Reloj. Heard also 2.9. TIK
1310 1.9. 0300- CLM: HJAK La Voz de la Patria, Barranquilla. Split [.678]. Good big ID. TIK
1320 26.8. 0230- VEN: YVWP R Apolo, Turmero. [.004] Other splits here too: (.945, .979 ja .998). TIK
1350 27.8. 0302- ARG: LS6 Radio Buenos Aires, Buenos Aires BA. 1190 ja 1270 also tentative ARG. TIK
1350 1.9. 0300- CLM: HJOA Radio Uno, Santa Marta. TIK
1380 31.8. 0158- VEN: YVNG Ondas del Mar, Puerto Cabello. TIK
1470 27.8. 0300- PRU: OAU4B Radio Capital, Lima. TIK
– RTBF La Première 91.50 MHz
Email v/s Michèle VANLAER, Service Médiation.
– RAI Isoradio 103.20 MHz
Email in 7 days, v/s Ricezione RAI Isoradio.
708. Africa No. 1 92.30 MHz
African music station from Paris. V/s Dominique Guihot.
709. Radio Italia Solo Musica Italiana 98.40 MHz
Email after 2 weeks. V/s Redazione.
– Bayern 1 Franken 91.40 MHz
Old skool QSL via snail mail although report sent via email.
710. HCFL2 Radio Zeta-1, Guayaquil 1400 kHz
I got verification from Carlos Balla Quapi via Facebook. My 4th MW-QSL from Ecuador.