OH1NOA Ham Radio and DXing/MWDX Site

AIH53 – Day #6 19.11.2015

November 20, 2015 By: admin Category: DX Pedition, DX-listening

Not much to tell radiowise as we didn’t make a lot of realtime listening. Some Brasil and some US in the morning (eg. KRWB Roseau MN 1410). Japan started quite early today (11z). Few common Brasilians early on the band. Some stations found from earlier files: KGRE Greeley CO 1450 (16.11.), KQSP Shakopee MN 1530 (16.11.), KBJD Denver CO 1650 (16.11.) and CB76 Radio Cooperativa, Santiago 760 (18.11.). Some QSLs are coming too, eg. KHAS Hastings 1230.

Today’s activity was a trip to Kirkenes, Norway. Whole trip took a bit less than 5 hours. Visited Vinmonopolet in Kirkenes and two shops in Näätämö … After the trip made some pasta with minced meat and sweet&sour sauce.

The beer of the day: Crooked Stave Surette Provision Saison (last night)


AIH53 – Day#5 18.11.2015

November 19, 2015 By: admin Category: DX Pedition

At night there was some US propagation but we were sleeping until 03z. Then some stateside started to rise and finally also Central and South America (other than B and LaPlata). Southern stations (like Puerto Rico and Venezuela) are still now in the files but some US files we checked: some goodies from Lakes like WPNW Zeeland MI 1260 etc. Morning opening ended to Alberta area. Asia seemed to be ok today but we haven’t checked anything as we went to Nitsijärvi for sauna. I had to warm it up. It took some time but it was worth of it. No reindeers spotted today.

Tomorrow we will travel to Kirkenäs. Food was today rice and barley wine chicken. Yummy.

The beer of the day: Myanmar Lager (my beer country #154)

AIH53 – Day #4 17.11.2015

November 18, 2015 By: admin Category: DX Pedition, DX-listening

The conditionwise the fourth day was similar to others: indexes were not too good but no real bad disturbances either. During the night band was not very interesting, some BRA and common US. The band opened in the morning, 0700z brought some good ones like 1310 KFKA Greeley CO and 1590 KGFK East Grand Forks MN, but disc work has just begun. We didn’t check much Asia (which opened late), we have had some QRM from NorthEast during the early afternoon. But at least we noticed briefly 801 KTWG and at 1730z 891 aussie. “Tapes” have to be investigated later. The most of the day went from my side with the check of the 16th files. Seems that Colorado condx were great. So far found 560 KLZ, 590 CFAR, 600 KCOL, 610 CHTM, 670 KLTT, 710 KNUS, 780 KCEG, 790 KFGO, 810 KVLZ, 810 WHB, 820 KUTR, 950 KRWZ, 970 KBUL, 1110 WJML, 1290 KOWB, 1370 KXTL, 1440 KRDZ, 1470 KAIR, 1480 KLMS, 1630 KRND, 1660 KXOL, 1700 KVNS and so on. Great opening!

cruisin 950

Other activities were some antenna/equipment check, the petting of our herd of reindeers (spent several ours around the woods next to us and also in our yard) and food&drink. We ate today spaghetti bolognese.

The beer of the day: Pyynikin Gluteeniton Kauppaipa – gluten free beer from Tampere

Our new pet

Our new pet


AIH53 – Day #3 16.11.2015

November 17, 2015 By: admin Category: DX Pedition

As told we heard some early bird US last evening but nothing really happened before the morning. US opening was strong and nice between 05-08 UTC. Also some Mexico here and there. The most of the day went while checking the first files. Only some cooking and snow work in between. From Asia we have not much to say so far as the time went by looking for older files. After listening to 0600 UTC files the best catches are: 950 KRWZ Parker CO, 970 KBUL Billings MT, 1110 WJML Petoskey MI (60 watts!), 1290 KOWB Laramie WY, 1370 KXTL Butte MT, 1470 KAIR Atchison KS, 1660 KXOL Brigham City UT and 1700 KVNS Brownsville TX. Even got some QSLs already! Much more to come when all files have been listened to.

Food was the pork fillets from Vähäkyrö, Botnia and spaghetti. For brunch we had baked potatoes and random fridge stuff.

The beer of the day: Buxton Battle Horse – black IPA or American style barley wine

Bathroom was -6C.

Bathroom was -6C.

Day 3

Day 3

AIH53 – Day #2 15.11.2015

November 16, 2015 By: admin Category: DX Pedition

On Sunday weather got warmer. All day we had around zero Celsius, during the day 1 we had some 6-7 minus before. Patrik did some snow work. Of course it is better to be done today when snow is heavier …

Band opened to west around 23z. But only common USA/CAN-stations. The night was mixed with La Plata and Brasil, stateside never opens really well before 0530z. At least now we logged the most common Alberta stations … we missed them last time. 1230 CHFC Churchill MB was probably the best catch. But we still need to dig some files. From La Plata the best one was 1150 LT9 Radio Brigadier López, Santa Fé. Asia never really opened. Weird QRM especially with 46 and 60 degrees antennas. We have not checked Asia files yet but I believe there is not much to talk about.

Just before local midnight we noticed at some CAN and stations like WFME are audible already at 2045z. I tried to catch some daytimers but seems that I was not lucky. Also 1700 WRCR was heard but we still need ID. Same time with NA, Brasil was strong already before 2100z. Very early”

Lunch: meatball-bacon scramble Dinner: cola chicken and potatoes

The beer of the day: Crooked Stave Hop Savant (Galaxy)
The special mention: BarlindBeer BjörköAle Session IPA 2,7 %


AIH53 – Day #1 14.11.2015

November 15, 2015 By: admin Category: DX Pedition

Finally arrived to Aihkiniemi! After 950 km drive from Vaasa we arrived around at 23:00 local time (Friday the 13th) to Partakko in Inari. We were received by plenty of snow so we had to do some work with the extra snow before we could drive in the yard of Aihkiniemi pedition site. Now as it is our second trip here, the place is familiar and we could put up our stations (4 of them) quite quickly. The daytime we mostly were just listening, doing some snow work and cooking (makaroonilaatikko & salad) + drinking some new beers from eg. Sweden, Croatia and UK.

The first real stations noticed were Brasilians around 2300z. La Plata was ok almost all night – first starting with many Brasilians (broadcasting soccer, no IDs) and then ARG/URG stations like 950 LR3 AM950, Buenos Aires, 1030 LS10 Radio del Plata, Buenos Aires, 1230 LT2 Radio Dos, Rosario and 1470 CX147 Radio Cristal del Uruguay, Las Piedras. We also got a local ID from 750 LRA7 Radio Nacional, Cordoba.

The first US stations noticed were at 04z KXEL and new one for us 1660 KQWB West Fargo ND (some common CAN already at 01z). Next few hours USA was up and down giving some common stations like 950 KCAP and 1430 KCLK. As solar condx should be ok we expect more from next night.

Daytime started very slow. We couldn’t hear anything from Asia until 1300z when band was full of Japan. Before that we were thinking what is going on, no signals what so ever on MW. We need to investigate files more later but we noticed some decent stations from Taiwan and China plus two tentative Aussies: 846 4CA Cairns and 1548 4QD Emerald at 17z.

The beer of the day: Uprising Treason – IPA from Windsor, England.

Patrik PW at AIH53

Patrik PW at AIH53

The cottage today.

The cottage today.



AIH53 is approaching

November 10, 2015 By: admin Category: DX Pedition, DX-listening

Soon I will hit the road with Patrik (PW) to Aihkiniemi in Inari. Pedition AIH53 will be active 14.-21.11.2015. As we have currently lots of protons in the air, we hope that bands will recover till the end of this week. Soon I will publish also last year’s AIH40-pedition logs. They are not actually final as we still have some files to explore. One year is not enough! (Especially when I was very lazy in the early part of 2015). Also still some nice NA QSLs are coming in for the reception reports of AIH40.

I am trying to publish daily reports from AIH53 to this blog.




Half way October log

October 16, 2015 By: admin Category: DX-listening

Lousy lousy October so far. Especially with my current antenna. Excellent PRG/URU-condx in the 15th of October!

North America

1200 1.10. 0428- USA: WXKS Newton MA. Bloomberg.

South America

590 11.10. 0400- ARG: LS4 Radio Continental, Buenos Aires.
730 15.10. 0502- PRG: ZP7 Radio Cardinal, Asunción. WWW-address few times, split [.018]. Amazing LaPlata this morning: 560, 610, 640, 670, 680, 700, 710, 760, 800 …
770 15.10. 0428- URG: CX12 Radio Oriental, Montevideo.
780 15.10. 0502- PRG: ZP70 Radio Primero de Marzo, Asunción. Announced the name of their programme: “Madrugada 780”. [.995] 799.988 possibly La Unión and 1029.092 Nanduti.
790 15.10. 0333- ARG: LR6 Radio Mitre, Buenos Aires BA.
820 15.10. 0456- ARG: LRA8 Radio Nacional, Formosa. //870, 960.
940 15.10. 0333- ARG: LRH200 Radio Chajarí, Chajarí. //790 Mitre.
1300 1.10. 0433- CLM: HJLD Q’Hubo Radio, Pereira. The first CLM with ID for me from this QRG.
1350 1.10. 0402- CLM: HJDS Ondas de la Montaña, Medellín.
1560 1.10. 0426- CLM: HJXZ Santa Maria de la Paz Radio, Medellin. 1580.068 with interesting mx. 1530 rel with a bit rough audio.

SAC – Scandinavian Activity Contest 2015 CW OH1F

September 26, 2015 By: admin Category: Contesting

The propagation was the worst I remember for a while in SAC. I operated with another Timo, OH1TM. I was more or less sick all weekend. Same QRN from FK races that made QRM to MW, was also on SW bands.

Claimed scores (looking good):

Scandinavian Activity Contest, CW

Call: OH1F
Operator(s): OH1NOA OH1TM
Station: OH1AF

Class: M/S HP
QTH: Viasvesi
Operating Time (hrs): 24

Band QSOs Mults
80: 295 42
40: 593 57
20: 611 63
15: 267 62
10: 28 28
Total: 1794 252 Total Score = 1,003,212

Club: Contest Club Finland


Low signal levels overall and a strange local s9 QRM on 40 & 20 meters made copying difficult (sorry guys..).

There was a big camping around because of formula karting race at our neighbour (Pori Circuit I think that was the reason for the QRM.

Anyway, thanks for the QSOs, CU in SSB leg!

The MW season started, some QSLs

September 17, 2015 By: admin Category: BC-stations, DX-listening, QSL

The new MW season started here and I switched from FM to MW. FM season was reasonably ok as late summer had few decent openings. I still have few recordings from Es season, but I have mostly done with it. MW propagation has been as bad as it was during the spring. La Plata has been heard the most mornings when there has been a transatlantic opening. The best catch so far has been 780 Radio Nuevo Tiempo, Juliaca. I think this was the first time when this station was heard in Finland and I managed to get a reply via Facebook from the station.

QSLs are copied from another forum:


61. BIH: Radio Preporod 95.20 16.7.15 em 0d
62. CZE: Český rozhlas Vltava 95.60 26.6.15 em 1d v/s Mgr. Lukáš Hurník Ph.D., šéfredaktor
63. D: Bayern 3 94.00 26.6.15 em 1d v/s Stephanie Noll, Hörerservice
64. AUT: Ö2 Radio Steiermark 95.40 26.6.15 em 1d v/s Kurt Nuspl, ORF STEIERMARK I Kundenservice
65. CZE: Český rozhlas Plzeň 106.70 26.6.15 em 0d v/s Michal Žák, vedoucí podpory programu
66. D: B5 Aktuell 106.90 26.6.15 em 4d v/s Manfred Schmitz
67. CZE: Rádio Bonton 99.70 26.6.15 em
68. D: RBB Kulturradio 100.20 26.6.15 em 0d v/s Katrin Stiller
69. SUI: Radio SRF 3 105.60 26.6.15 em 0d v/s Pascal Glaus
70. D: Antenne Niedersachsen 106.30 26.6.15 em 0d v/s Kathrin Gatzemeier
71. D: Antenne 1 100.10 26.6.15 via Facebook
72. D: NDR 2 99.10 26.6.15 em 0d v/s Angie Meister
73. G: BBC Radio Norfolk 95.10 3.7.15 v/s Clare Worden
74. D: YOU FM 95.30 26.6.15 em 0d v/s Andrea
75. D: Hitradio RTL Sachsen 105.20 26.6.15 em 0d v/s Sabine Hickmann, Hörerservice
76. D: BB Radio 105.00 26.6.15 em 0d v/s Sarah Moritz, Hörerservice
77. D: BB Radio Cottbus 107.2 26.6.15 em 0d v/s Sarah Moritz, Hörerservice (korvaa tavan BB Radion)
78. BEL: RTBF Classic 21 96.60 26.6.15 em 0d v/s Le Service Médiation
79. HNG: MTVA Petöfi Rádió 96.70 25.6.15 kirjattu ki, ta v/s Kornél Süveges, Technical Department
80. G: KLFM 96.70 3.8.15 em 0d v/s Darren Taylor, Managing Director
81. D: r.s. 2 103.90 26.6.15 em 1d v/s Frank Nitzschmann, Chefredakteur
82. AUT: Antenne Steiermark 91.20 8.7.15 em 0d v/s Tanja Löscher, Programmassistenz
83. D: RBB Radio Eins 106.10 26.6.15 ko snailmail
84. CZE: ČRo České Budějovice 106.40 26.6.15 ko, avaimenperää, kaulanauhaa ym
85. I: Radio Fragola 104.80 FFF 16.7.15 em 10d v/s Lucia
86. AUT: Ö1 91.20 8.7.15 em 6d v/s Mathilde Soukup
87. KOS: Radio K4 90.20 16.7.15 em 2d v/s Ilir Hamiti, Media Engineer (all time uusi maa!)
88. HNG: Rádió 1 Pécs 88.30 16.7.15 em 1d v/s Incze Annamaria, chief editor, head of news
89. I: Radio Center Music FM 99.10 16.7.15 em 2d
90. I: RAI Radio 1 Veneto 88.10 16.7.15 ki, ko, tarroja ym.
91. I: RAI Radio 1 Emilia Romagna 89.50 16.7.15 em 8d
92. CZE: Rock Radio 89.00 26.6.15 em 11d v/s Jitka Nekolová
93. D: MDR Sachsen-Anhalt 106.50 26.6.15 ko
94. BUL: BNR Hristo Botev 95.30 7.8.15 em 0d v/s Anelia Krandeva
95. BUL: BNR Radio Shumen 93.40 7.8.15 em 2d
96. SVN: Radio Capodistria 103.60 16.7.15 em em 10d v/s Antonio Rocco, Assistant Director General for Italian Programmes
97. ROU: Stil FM 105.50 7.8.15 em 0d v/s Florin Driga
98. NOR: NRK Østlandssendingen 88.70 20.8.15 (eka kuitattu norjalainen!)
99. S: Radio Söderhamn 89.70 20.8.15 em 5d v/s Kjell, Programledare/Reporter (Kjell also mentioned my report in his morning show)
100. D: hr3 106.20 26.6.15 ko
101. D: hr-info 107.30 26.6.15 ko


871. KFQD Anchorage AK 750 em 3d v/s Scott Smith, GM
872. KPOW Powell WY 1260 em 1d v/s Scott Mangold
873. CKWX Vancouver BC 1130 em 1d v/s John Streit
874. CBEF Windsor ON 1550 em 0d v/s Reza Moemeni
875. KHAR Anchorage AK 590 em 0d v/s Joe Campbell, Program Director (1000th “DX rank point”)
888. TRT1 Catalca 702 ko ym
889. TRT Antalya R, Antalya 891 ko ym
890. TRT 1 Radyo Bir, Izmir 927 ko ym
891. TRT Trabzon Radio 954 ko ym
892. SER Radio Zaragoza 873 em 0d v/s Pablo Ignacio Blanco
893. RNE5 Galicia 1503 em 1d v/s Ana Isabel Alvarez Iglesias f/up
894. WPHM Port Huron MI 1380 em 6d v/s Paul Miller
895. KMNQ Brooklyn Park MN 1470 em 0d v/s Steve Miller, Director of Operations
896. KFAR Fairbanks AK 660 em 0d v/s Glenner Anderson
897. WRTO Chicago IL 1200 em 0d v/s Doug Levy, Senior Vice President and General Manager
898. KXSP Omaha NE 590 em 1d v/s John Gaeta, Radio Engineer
899. WPGG Atlantic City NJ 1450 0d via Facebook
903. WTMJ Milwaukee WI 620 0d via Facebook
904. KVNT Eagle River-Big Lake AK 1020 0d v/s Tom Lambert, Broadcast Engineer
905. KYES Rockville MN 1180 8d v/s Bob Benes
906. WDCZ Buffalo NY 970 2d v/s Brian Cunningham, Chief Engineer
910. KSRM Soldotna AK 920 1d v/s Matt Wilson, General Manager
911. KSLD Soldotna AK 1140 1d v/s Matt Wilson, General Manager
912. WSKO Syracuse NY 1260 1d v/s Tom Mitchell, Syracuse Operations Manager
913. KBBI Homer AK 890 0d v/s Terry Rensel, Program Director
914. KNR Qeqertarsuaq 650 0d v/s Leif P. Hendriksen, AV-assistent NEW COUNTRY, GREENLAND!
915. KNR Nuuk 570 0d v/s Leif P. Hendriksen, AV-assistent f/up
916. Sistema Dos, Guayaquil 1080 0d em f/up
917. CX20 Radio Monte Carlo, Montevideo 930 em 0d v/s Franco Benvenuto, Gerente de Programación NEW COUNTRY, URUGUAY!
918. LV9 Radio Salta, Salta 840 via Twitter
919. OAZ7S Radio Nuevo Tiempo, Juliaca 780 FFF via Facebook
920. RNE1 Melilla, Melilla 972 ltr NEW COUNTRY, MELILLA!

Radio Salta
