OH1NOA Ham Radio and DXing/MWDX Site

AIH40 Day 7 – 21.11.2014

November 22, 2014 By: admin Category: Uncategorized

The last full day in Aihkiniemi. Our plan is to leave around midday tomorrow after band dies to USA. Jormas JHT and JM will be AIH41 arriving later on Saturday. This morning we had quite nice opening to Great Lakes and NY area. At the moment I don’t know exactly how long the opening was but at 0600 it was peaking nicely. Eg. 790 WAYY, 910 WSUI, 930 WBEN (Buffalo NY where they had 6 ft of snow, maybe more power for this reason? WWKB was out one night earlier), 950 WNTD, 970 WDCZ (also Buffalo), 980 WCUB and 980 WITY. Later around 11 UTC usual AK stations came in and I was able to get 3 new ones: 790 KCAM, 870 KSKO and 1110 KAGV. Now our AK-id total is 20. There was also a path to Hawaiji and 940 KKNE and 1570 KUAU were identified. Asian direction we have not checked yet.

The job of the day was to remove a temporary 1000 meter, 210 degrees “Gibraltar-antenna” from the woods. It took over 2 hours but we did it! Antenna was important as we got eg. RNE Melilla! The afternoon was spent at Jounila cottage with much needed sauna and shower. During the evening we checked the files, had some beers and enjoyed about foxfires – the second time this week (and only days with clear skies).

Menu and beer of the day: chicken fillet with potatoes and cream, Mikkeller Beer Geek BreAKfast (Alaskan Edition) (to celebrate 20 AKs).



AIH40 Day 6 – 20.11.2014

November 21, 2014 By: admin Category: DX Pedition

Not much radiowise to tell. Aurora borealis was visible last night and it killed some of the propagation for sure. We went after the sunrise to Norway, Kirkenes (to buy lots of expensive beer) and we have not checked much of the files. Seems that there was some propagation to USA in the morning but mostly dominants. Better catches need more investigating. Early morning at 0300 I was recording the band with 160 degrees antenna. Unfortunately no Sudan or Ethiopia were found (so far). So another day with not much to tell. Tomorrow will be our last full day. Maybe we will take off our 210 “Gibraltar” antenna.

Menu and beer of the day: ham cassarole with green side salad, HaandBryggeriet Norse Porter


AIH40 Day 5 – 19.11.2014

November 20, 2014 By: admin Category: DX Pedition

Day 5 was listening all day. For me it mean listening to Day 4 morning 0630z file which took almost one day to go through. That morning was interesting mix of Great Lakes, Midwest and Mexico. Some goodies from Day 4: 570 WNAX, 590 KXSP, 600 WTMJ, 880 KWIP, 1060 KGFX, 1140 KSOO, 1150 KSAL, 1260 WXCE, 1400 KLIN, 1420 KTOE, 1470 KNMQ, 1550 KKOV so even 3 stations from South Dakota. From Mexico I found from these from this one file: 610 XEGS, 740 XECW, 860 XENL, 1030 XEMPM, 1050 XEG, 1260 XEAW and 1320 XECPN.

Last night band was open from Brasil to East Coast but we need to investigate the files more. In the morning Patrik went through West Coast files and found some new AK-stations: 930 KNSA, 1080 KOAN but the absolute highlight was 1500 KHKA Honolulu HI with good callsign identification! Asia didn’t sound particulary strong but we will see the files later. Patrik also snagged some new RNE5-stations.

Menu and beer of the day: pasta with minced meat, Anspach & Hobday The Porter.

Our kitchen. Yes, it is small.

Our kitchen. Yes, it is small.


AIH40 Day 4 – 18.11.2014

November 19, 2014 By: admin Category: DX Pedition

Not much to tell about this day: we mostly checked older files and kept computers running. Possibly propagation is getting better but this day was overall bad – but there might lurk suprises: in the morning at 0630 UTC MW opened to USA and Mexico. Files needs to be checked but there were 3 South Dakota stations 570 WNAX, 1060 KGFX and 1140 KSOO during this opening. Another goodies are 590 KXSP Omaha NE, 600 WTMJ Milwaukee WI and 880 KWIP Dallas OR. The better Mexicans were 610 XEGS, 740 XECW, 860 XENL, 1030 XEMPM. We have not checked Asian files but that direction sounded not so good today. From Iberia got mostly stations from Galicia. There was also Brasil opening in the early night.

We spent the most of light time outside checking the antennas. 13 antenna network in the twilight is a bit confusing. Aihkiniemi’s antennas are coax feeded and starting points are far away from the cottage. The rest of time was spent with the older files, beers and cooking.

Menu and beer of the day: Finnish potatoes with the broiler-onion sauce, Maku Brewing Golden Ale.

Listening room

Listening room

Patrik going to antenna work

Patrik going to antenna work


AIH40 Day 3 – 17.11.2014

November 18, 2014 By: admin Category: DX Pedition

Temperature has dropped quite a lot recently. In the morning it was still something like -12 C but it has come down to almost zero degrees.

The sun was still active, but only one C-flare today and still no CMEs. Night was quite quiet. Some South America tried to come in, but nothing special found from there so far. We both slept most of the night, I was checking the band frequently between the naps. In the morning around 0430 UTC there was nice opening to Ohio: 1370 WSPD, 1470 WLQR and 1520 WNWT were heard. Another peak was around 0700 UTC with goodies like 1030 KBUF Holcomb KS and 1340 KCBL Fresno CA. Later during the day the band was open to West Coast but our files are uninvestigated. Morning produced also very nice RNE-break with the super catch 972 RNE1 Melilla, Melilla.

The Eastern propagation was again different than the previous days. The start was slow but later Chinese and Indian stations came up with some strong JAs. Evening IB-breaks gave some new ones for us. Some catches: 837 COPE Burgos, 1053 COPE Zaragoza, 1224 COPE Mallorca and 1224 COPE Lérida.

This was also “the cleaning day”. Our cottage does not have running water, but there is a cottage village nearby which has very nice apartments with sauna and shower for our use. Sauna was super!

Sauna in Inari

Sauna in Inari


AIH40 Day 2 – 16.11.2014

November 17, 2014 By: admin Category: DX Pedition

During the second day of the DX-pedition we had a strong M 5.7 flare plus several smaller C-flares. Fortunately it seems that no CMEs happened. The first night of AIH40 started under the minimal opening to Brasil. Later MW band suprisingly opened quickly to North America at 0100 and then again at 0430 UTC (the peak). Latter opening was very interesting with the MidWest/Rocky Mountain-stations. The most interesting ones were 570 KNRS Salt Lake City and 920 KVEL Vernal, both from Utah. Even bigger suprise was Mexico-opening at 0430 UTC. So far we have found 990 XET, 1220 XEB, 1470 XEHI and 1570 XERF from our hard disk.

Unfortunately the morning was poor. USA gone and we didn’t find any stations from CA/SA. Then in the late morning band opened earlier to East than at day one. Japan was very strong, then later China. We have not checked much of those files yet, but the station of the day was 801 KTWG Agana giving the new MW country on Mediumwaves to the both of us. KTWG peaked around 1140 UTC. Later propagation went down and Iran&India was dominating the band. The best catches so far are 1494 IRIB R Khorasan-e Razavi, 1458 IRIB R Khorasan-e Jonubi, Gayen, 981 AIR Raipur adn 1143 AIR Rohtak. But as said, mostly the files are still uninvestigated. Late part of Day 2 had quiet bad propagation. Hopefully they will improve during the day 3.

Menu and beer of the day: pasta with tomate sauce and beef&pork, Dugges Blåbärliner.


Patrik, OH6GDX


AIH40 Day 1 – 15.11.2014

November 16, 2014 By: admin Category: DX Pedition

Me and Patrik travelled from Vasa to Aihkiniemi in Inari by car. We had to travel almost 950 km and it took some 12 hours with few stops on the way. We arrived just in time to check propagation on Saturday morning at 0800z, the first “TOH” after sunrise. We had some techinical problems at the start but finally got 4 stations up and running. Weather started very cold: -26 C but it warmed up and we finished day with temperature around -7C.

Two M flares during the day one is not promising start and pedition started with very few signals on Mediumwaves. Finally at 1300 UTC the band opened to Alaska. So far we have found 590 KHAR, 630 KIAM, 650 KENI, 680 KBRW, 700 KBYR, 750 KFQD, 780 KNOM, 920 KSRM and 970 KFBX IDs from the hard disks. We also heard eg. 550 giving ESPN announcements. Around this time band opened breafly also to Japan but then it changed to China and Korea. Almost every channel had one or more stations from CHN/TWN/KOR with good signal strengths. It takes lots of time to solve all of them. Later Iran started come in loud and band went to all Arabic.

Menu and beer of the day: macaroni casserole and CREW Republic Detox.

Aihkiniemi, Partakko, Inari 15.11.2014

Aihkiniemi, Partakko, Inari 15.11.2014


Aihkiniemi Dx-pedition AIH40 approaching!

November 11, 2014 By: admin Category: DX Pedition, DX-listening

Me (TIK, OH1NOA) and Patrik (PW, OH6GDX) will be at Aihkiniemi DX Cabin between the 15th and 22nd of November. Our plan is to arrive early Saturday morning to Aihkiniemi and leave the site 7 nights later. We will be equipped with the regular 13 antennas of Aihkiniemi + one extra antenna pointing to Gibraltar. We will have several Perseus SDR receivers with us, our plan is to record 4 directions same time. Me and Patrik are both all around listeners so we are interested in both Americas and Asia/Oceania and everything between.

This is my first Lappland DX-pedition since 1987 MUD6-pedition to Kaamanen with Raimo Mäkelä. Patrik has once been in Lemmenjoki.

If time permits, I will report about condx on daily basis via this blog.

Log 3.9.-17.10.2014

October 17, 2014 By: admin Category: BC-stations, DX-listening

This season has started very poorly. After the beginning, September was very lousy and October has not provived much more either. Personally I had some antenna problems in the late Sep/early Oct but I probably did not miss much. So these are my selected loggings since the last “log blog”. I will go to DX-pedition to Aihkiniemi, Lapland with PW starting at the 15th of November – hopefully condx are better that time.

British Isles

603 16.10. 0458- G: Smooth Kent, Littlebourne. Local ad to Sandwich, Kentiin. TIK
729 16.10. 0500- G: BBC Essex, Manningtree. Also //765. TIK
738 16.10. 0500- G: BBC Hereford & Worcester, Worcester. TIK
756 16.10. 0500- G: Radio Hafren, Newtown. TIK
792 16.10. 0457- G: Smooth Radio, Kempston. This should be //828 but was not in sync when 828 sent a local ad to Dunstable. Otherwise same ads than 828 but not in sync! TIK
828 16.10. 0457- G: Smooth Herts, Beds and Bucks, Lewsey Farm (Luton). Lumpini Thai Restaurant Dunstable told that all you can eat buffet is 14,95 pounds. TIK
936 16.10. 0457- G: Smooth Wiltshire, Naish Hill. Petshed had some cat and dog food offers, it is located next to Butterfly World and Garden Centre next to M4. TIK
945 5.9. 0257- G: Smooth Radio Sussex, Bexhill. Local ads (eg. South Coast Windows). TIK
972 16.10. 0459- G: Sunrise Radio 2, Glade Lane (London). “This is Sunrise Radio”. TIK
990 16.10. 0500- G: BBC Radio Devon, Exeter. TIK
1035 16.10. 0459- G: West Sound AM, Symington (Ayr). Sync with NorthSound. At :59 West Sound was stronger, then NorthSound 2. They have different news? TIK
1116 16.10. 0459- G: BBC Radio Guernsey, Rohais. TIK


917 12.9. 2230- NIG: Tentative: Radio Gotel, Yola. Many hours, also other nights. Here talks in English with a good signal, later African mx [917.001]. TIK


585 13.9. 1740- IND: AIR Nagpur. TIK
648 13.9. 1740- IND: AIR Indore.
648 13.9. 1730- IRN: IRIB Radio Khorasan-e-Jonubi, Birjand. //828, 1548 “So ast dis-dese, inja Birjand-ast, shabakeye islamye sedoye Khorasan-e-Jonubi”. TIK
774 12.9. 1730- IND: AIR Shimla. EE nx //666. Also 801 AIR Jabalpur, 810 AIR Rajkot ja 918 AIR Suratgarh. TIK
810 12.9. 1659- IND: AIR Rajkot. “…akashvani Rajkot…”. TIK
819 12.9. 1700- IND: AIR Delhi. Amazing signal. 666 different px. Local ID at 1700. TIK
828 12.9. 1730- IRN: IRIB Radio Khorasan-e-Jonubi, Tabas. //1548 new IRIB to me. TIK
846 28.9. 1730- IRN: IRIB Radio Tabriz, Mianeh. TIK
891 25.9. 1700- THA: Radio Thailand, Saraburi. “Thiini Satthanii Witthay Krachaisiang Hang Prathet Thai”. TIK
900 14.9. 0130- IRN: IRIB Radio Iran, Tehran. Strong with echo, several txs? TIK
918 13.9. 1740- IND: AIR Suratgarh. “Akashvani Suratgarh”. TIK
999 23.9. 1730- IRN: IRIB Radio Kordestan, Baneh. New IRIB for me. Kurdish ID ending “…Kordestan (Kurdistan)”. TIK
1170 16.9. 1630- IRN: IRIB Radio Iran, Semnan. 1st time I heard this one. Radio Iran -ID. TIK
1548 12.9. 1730- IRN: IRIB Radio Khorasan-e-Jonubi, Ferdows. “… inja Birjand-ast .. Khorasan-e-Jonubi” [.995]. TIK

North America

540 18.9. 0400- CAN: CBGA-1 Grande Anse NB. TIK
570 10.9. 0059- CAN: CFCB Corner Brook NL. “Local news, now”. TIK
660 16.9. 0400- USA: WFAN New York NY. TIK
680 22.9. 0400- CAN: CJOB Winnipeg MB. TIK
680 17.9. 0359- USA: WRKO Boston MA. TIK
730 16.9. 0405- CAN: CKAC Montreal QC. Radio Circulation. TIK
820 18.9. 0300- CAN: CHAM Hamilton ON. New Canadian to me. TIK
830 17.9. 0330- USA: WCRN Worcester MA. TIK
860 18.9. 0359- CAN: CJBC Toronto ON. TIK
880 10.9. 0328- USA: WCBS New York NY. TIK
970 15.9. 0300- USA: WZAN Portland ME. TIK
1010 16.9. 0405- USA: WINS New York NY. Also 1030 WBZ, 1050 WEPN, 1060 WQOM, 1080 WTIC, 1130 WBBR, 1190 WLIB, 1200 WXKS, 1360 WDRC, 1370 WDEA, 1390 WEGP, 1510 WUFC (played Billy Joel!), 1520 WWKB, 1540 WDCD, 1560 WQEW & 1600 WUNR. TIK
1030 14.9. 0131- USA: WBZ Boston MA. TIK
1060 9.9. 0300- USA: WQOM Natick MA. EWTN. This has been one of the most common US this season. Stronger than before. TIK
1100 15.9. 0230- USA: WTAM Cleveland OH. TIK
1200 15.9. 0228- CAN: CFGO Ottawa ON. Westwood One. TIK
1260 16.9. 0358- USA: WMKI Boston MA. Radio Disney as a dominant. Local ID at :58. TIK
1270 17.9. 0359- USA: WTSN Dover NH. The first new NA for this season: “WTSN AM 12-70 Dover, Portsmouth, Rochester and… wtsnam1270 dot com”. TIK
1280 17.9. 0301- USA: WFAU Gardiner ME. After WTSN the second new one and NA #222 of Perseus era. “Memories station, 12-80 WFAU ..”. NOS. TIK
1310 15.9. 0231- CAN: CIWW Ottawa ON. TIK
1310 17.9. 0403- USA: WCCW Traverse City MI. 3rd new one this morning. CBS Sports Radio & “The Score”. TIK
1310 17.9. 0405- USA: WLOB Portland ME. TIK
1320 18.9. 0100- CAN: CJMR Oakville ON. “The Voice of the City”. TIK
1320 17.9. 0401- USA: WLQY Hollywood FL. “This is WLQY, Hollywood, Miami”. TIK
1330 16.9. 0358- USA: WRCA Watertown MA. TIK
1360 18.9. 0159- USA: WDRC Hartford CT. TIK
1370 9.9. 0300- USA: WDEA Ellsworth ME. TIK
1450 14.9. 0131- USA: WPGG Atlantic City NJ. TIK
1470 16.9. 0400- USA: WLAM Lewiston ME. TIK
1490 17.9. 0400- USA: WBAE Portland ME. “The Bay”. With another US. TIK
1510 20.9. 0305- USA: KCKK Littleton CO. “You are listening to KCKK AM Littleton Coloradio …”. TIK
1510 18.9. 0400- USA: WLAC Nashville TN. “WLAC, Nashville, Fox News”. TIK
1510 9.9. 0300- USA: WUFC Boston MA. New eg. TheBlaze Radio Network -ids. Format is now Libertarian Talk Radio. TIK
1520 15.9. 0258- USA: WWKB Buffalo NY. Not just Sports anymore. TIK
1540 15.9. 0100- CAN: CHIN Toronto ON. TIK
1540 17.10. 0400- USA: KXEL Waterloo IA. TIK
1540 14.9. 0059- USA: WDCD Albany NY. TIK
1560 14.9. 0335- USA: WQEW New York NY. “Radio Disney”. Shutting down soon. TIK
1580 18.9. 0300- CAN: CKDO Oshawa ON. TIK

Central America

600 5.9. 0337- CUB: CMKV Radio Rebelde, Urbano Noris. Same morning than received QSL from Rebelde.
600 4.9. 0303- PTR: WAEL Mayagüez PR. //WKAQ 580. TIK
630 5.9. 0358- PTR: WUNO San Juan PR. NotiUno. TIK
660 4.9. 0259- DOM: HIAM Radio Visión Cristiana, Santiago. [.000]. One of the best ones this season. TIK
760 8.9. 0057- PTR: WORA NotiUno, Mayaguez. NotiUno //580. New one. TIK Editoi
840 11.9. 0333- PNR: HOL80 Radio Nacional de Panama. “Nacional FM”. TIK
960 22.9. 0403- PTR: WDNO 960AM, Quebradillas PR. I think I heard this at least twice last season but now with nice call sign IDs.
970 18.9. 0427- VIR: WSTX St. Croix VI. TIK
1050 8.9. 0359- CUB: CMLL Radio Victoria, Las Tunas, LT. Alone. I heard this now for the 2nd time. Big call sign IDs. TIK
1060 13.10. 0400- DOM: HIAJ Radio Amanecer, San Pedro de Macorís. TIK
1120 7.9. 0000- PTR: WMSW Radio Once, Hatillo. [.996]. TIK
1140 18.9. 0402- CUB: CMIP Radio Surco, Ciego de Avila CA. TIK
1140 5.9. 0300- CUB: Radio Cadena Agramonte, Camaguey. Not listed at WRTH. Tnx to Henrik for opening my ears: “Desde la cuna del Mayor transmite Radio Cadena Agramonte, Camaguey, Cuba”. TIK
1140 12.10. 2300- PTR: WQII Once Q, San Juan. TIK
1160 17.9. 0429- ATG: Caribbean Radio Lighthouse, St. John’s. Like last season, good signal in the early September. TIK
1170 8.9. 0400- CUB: CMKS Radio Trinchera Antiimperialista, Maisí (GU). Rare here. TIK
1350 17.9. 0300- CUB: CMLL Radio Victoria, Las Tunas, LT. “Esta es CMLL, Radio Victoria, emisora provincial de Las Tunas, 1050 y 1090 kHz amplitud modulada” Via Libertad? TIK
1350 5.9. 0200- CUB: CMLM Radio Libertad, Puerto Padre. “Radio Libertad 1350 khz en amplitud modulada, 93.3 de la FM”. Also 18.9. TIK
1350 7.9. 0104- PTR: WEGA Faro de Santidad, Vega Baja PR. TIK
1390 9.9. 0100- PTR: WISA Isabela PR. TIK
1540 17.9. 0357- BAH: ZNS1 Radio Bahamas, Nassau. TIK

South America

560 13.10. 0101- GUY: Voice of Guyana, Georgetown. TIK
580 16.10. 0201- B: ZYI776 Rádio Boas Novas, Recife, PE. 590 ARG, 610:lla tent. Itatiaia. TIK
590 4.9. 0329- VEN: YVKL Radio Continente, Caracas. New VEN for me and not logged in Finland since 2007. [.988]. TIK
600 13.10. 0302- CLM: HJHJ Radio Libertad, Barranquilla. TIK
610 12.9. 0200- B: ZYL268 Radio Itatiaia, Belo Horizonte, MG. [.996]. TIK
610 13.10. 0101- CLM: HJD90 Señal Radio Colombia, Riohacha. Didn’t hear 570 this time. QTH from Wikipedia, which says that license is to Uribia. TIK
610 13.10. 0031- CLM: HJKL La Cariñosa, Bogotá. TIK
640 14.9. 0230- VEN: YVQO Unión R, Puerto La Cruz. TIK
650 3.9. -0259 UNID: UNID. Finishes talk with “..gracias, Hasta Mañana!”, then interesting music and signing off. [.996]. The best possible ears checked this (JPR, PÄ, HK – tnx!) but no luck. Some Finns said that possibly CLM. R Dif. Integración from Bolivia is signing off at 0300. Audiofile here.
660 13.10. 0430- CLM: HJJM Radio Auténtica, Cali. TIK
680 5.9. 0328- VEN: YVQR Radio Continente, Cumana. [.021]. TIK
700 7.9. 0359- + PRU: +OBZ4H Red Radio Integridad, San Miguel. Interesting split [.998], station with psalm and then “Esta es … …idad”. Thanks to Henrik, HK I understood the rest too (“Esta es Red Radio Integridad”). Heard also 8. and 12.9. Probably first in Finland.
710 24.9. 0427- VEN: YVKY Radio Capital, Caracas. New VEN for me with a good signal. TIK
730 8.9. 0402- PRU: OAX4G RPP Noticias, San Isidro, Lima. TIK
740 22.9. 0408- VEN: YVNC CNB 740 Unión Radio, Maracaibo. “Unión Radio”. TIK
750 8.9. 0402- CLM: HJDK Caracol Colombia, Medellin. Rare Caracol, new for me. TIK
770 11.9. 0259- VEN: YVKK Radio Nacional de Venezuela, Valencia. TIK
790 12.9. 0400- ARG: LR6 Radio Mitre, Buenos Aires BA. “Mitre deportivo”. [.998]. TIK
820 6.9. 0400- CLM: HJED Caracol, Cali. Also UNID on 820.179, Reloj? TIK
870 13.10. 0301- EQA: HCNY2 Radio Cristal, Guayaquil. TIK
890 11.9. 0403- CLM: HJCE Radio Continental, Bogotá. Now [.047]. Earlier America. TIK
890 6.9. 0300- VEN: YVLW Radio América, Valencia. [.002]. TIK
920 8.9. 0259- EQA: HCAB1 Radio Democrácia, Quito. TIK
960 16.9. 0403- ARG: LRA6 Radio Nacional, Mendoza. “La radio pública” and then clear “Radio Nacional de Argentina”-ID. Also heard 17. and 20.9. TIK
960 6.9. 0328- CLM: HJHN Caracol Radio, Magangué. TIK
1010 12.9. 0058- CLM: HJCC Acuario Estéreo, Santa Fé de Bogotá. TIK
1020 13.10. 0201- VEN: YVTW Radio Alegría, Chivacoa. TIK
1030 8.9. 0400- EQA: HCRF2 Radio Ecuantena, Guayaquil. Played “Jesus Me Levantó” by Cristiana Mel and then ID. Audible about 5 minutes. TIK
1040 11.9. 0400- CLM: HJCJ/HJUB Colmundo Radio, Bogotá/Pasto. TIK
1080 8.9. 0359- EQA: HCKD2 Sistema 2, Guayaquil. Strongest here this morning. Echo-ID: “Sistema 2, Sistema 2, mil ochenta”. TIK
1120 5.9. 0303- B: ZYH598 Radio Tupinambá, Sobral CE. Thanks JEÖ for help. Clear and strong but difficult to understand its ID. TIK
1130 5.9. 0300- B: ZYI531 Super Marajoara AM 1130, Belém PA. Not heard since LEM106 in Finland but now very strong signal around the Scandinavia. Also loud next morning. TIK
1160 4.9. 0258- CLM: HJOC Fuego A.M, Bogotá. TIK
1190 11.9. 0403- ARG: LR9 Radio América, Buenos Aires. TIK
1200 5.9. 0304- B: ZYH585 Rádio Ceará Clube, Fortaleza CE. [.003]. Also next night. TIK
1200 13.10. 0302- VEN: YVOZ Radio Tiempo, Caracas. TIK
1220 11.9. 0401- B: ZYJ458 Rádio Globo, Rio de Janeiro, RJ. TIK
1270 11.9. 0401- ARG: LS11 Radio Provincia, Buenos Aires. Also 12.9. TIK
1290 6.9. 0259- B: ZYH888 Rádio Timbira do Maranhão, São Luís MA. TIK
1300 20.9. 0428- VEN: YVKH Deportiva 1300 AM Center, Caracas. “Deportiva 1300 AM Center”. [.999] Also 26.9. TIK
1310 3.9. 0300- B: ZYJ684 Radio Globo Rondônia, Pôrto Velho. This is the most common BRA with Caiari 1430. TIK
1310 4.9. 0329- CLM: HJDG Caracol Radio, Montería. TIK
1310 13.10. 0228- VEN: YVSM/YVSL Radio Nacional de Venezuela, Barcelona/Guri. [.002]. TIK
1340 26.9. 0403- VEN: YVNE Radio Uno, Caracas. TIK
1350 3.9. 0329- EQA: HCVP2 Teleradio 13-50 AM Digital, Guayaquil. TIK
1370 4.9. 0328- CLM: HJBO Emisora Minuto de Dios, Barranquilla. TIK
1390 6.9. 0300- B: ZYI535 Educadora AM, Bragança PA. Nice signal [.996]. TIK
1400 5.10. 0429- EQA: HCFL2 Radio Zeta Uno, Guayaquil. TIK
1450 6.9. -0303 B: ZYI561 Radio Paraense AM, Castanhal PA. [.004] Bras without IDs: 1440 (Educadora?) and 1460 (Ressureicão?). TIK
1520 5.9. 0300- B: UNID. Same UNID than 25.4. with “Rádio de seu coracao”-jingle. TIK
1550 6.9. 0259- B: ZYI700 Rádio Jardim da Borborema, Areia PB. Rough audio. [.994]. TIK
1580 26.9. 0400- CLM: HJQT Verdad Radio, Bogotá. TIK


570 13.10. 0257- XOE: CPR COSL Promoter. Oil rig somewhere at North Sea. TIK

Some QSLs

September 15, 2014 By: admin Category: BC-stations, DX-listening, QSL

Condx have been pretty poor or average at the best. Some QSLs have arrived anyhow:

711. Radio BeO 88.80 MHz
Swiss private stations confirmed nicely, also this one. V/s Patric Perret.

-. VRT Studio Brussel 100.60 MHz
20th of July had nice opening to Belgium. I got some QSLs from national stations. This was confirmed by Christophe Lambrecht.

712. Die Antenne 101.40 MHz
German-speaking Italian station. V/s Adrian Wenger.

-. VRT MNM 89.00 MHz
VRT Customer Service confirmed.

-. VRT Radio 1 91.70 MHz
Also confirmed by Customer Service or Klantendienst in Dutch. V/s Elise Vandevenne sent me some stickers via mail too!

713. France Bleu Pays de Savoie 95.20 MHz
One month after my email I got reply from Francis Cattel, Responsable Technique.

714. WRCA Watertown MA 1330 MHz
Quite common US station but they have not replied before. Now I got a good v/s-info from Patrik, PW. Stu Fink, General Manager replied quickly.

715. CMKV R Rebelde, Urbano Noris 600 kHz
Few new Rebelde frequencies to confirm. Reply took 3 weeks. V/s Yirian García de la Torre.

716. Radio Rebelde 1620 kHz
Also this one was confirmed by v/s Yirian García de la Torre.

717. Cesky Impuls 981 kHz
I heard them same day than they started. Pavel Janda of Impuls FM replied quickly via email.

718. 4VEH La voix évangélique d’Haïti, Cape Haitien 840 kHz
I noticed that 4VEH is now active on Facebook writing in English and they are erecting new AM towers. I sent a mail via Facebook and received a confirmation for my 2013 report from Rev. Storly Michel. New country confirmation!