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Archive for the ‘DX-listening’

Stations heard 9.1.14 – 16.1.14

January 21, 2014 By: admin Category: BC-stations, DX-listening

Condx have been awesome lately. Good period of radio propagation started on the 16th January, so this post has only a small portion of which was heard. The reason is that I haven’t listened through all the files – 16th Jan took almost two full days to listen all!


900 16.1. -0630 I: RAI Lombardia, Milano. TIK

North America

540 16.1. 0559- USA: WFLF Pine Hills FL. Nice station to start the harddisk listening: “WFLF Pine Hills Orlando, WTKS…”. In some point I heard on CW: “RJCBB QRL K”. TIK
610 15.1. 0200- USA: WIOD Miami FL. TIK
750 16.1. 0500- USA: WSB Atlanta GA. TIK
920 16.1. 0600- USA: WURA Quantico VA. “Radio Unida” . A Half hour later UNID Fox Sports Radio. TIK
930 16.1. 0605- USA: WBEN Buffalo NY. Busy QRG: CFBC, CJYQ, WDLX, Reloj and then this alone. TIK
930 16.1. 0459- USA: WDLX Washington NC. “This is Pirate Radio 12-50, WGHB Farmville … WDLX …”. TIK
970 11.1. 0600- USA: WZAN Portland ME. With Red RCN. TIK
1140 16.1. 0600- USA: WQBA Miami FL. Also some other hours. Also ID of Radio Musica Nacional of Cuba. TIK
1250 16.1. 0259- USA: WGHB Farmville NC. It helped to hear at first same Pirate Radio 12-50 on 930. TIK
1260 16.1. 0400- USA: WSKO Syracuse NY. “The Score”. Earlier Radio Disney. TIK
1270 16.1. 0600- USA: WXYT Detroit MI. TIK
1280 16.1. 0300- CAN: CFMB Montréal QC. Many Ethnic languages and immigration ads. At 0300Z “Radio Multilingue” and “Radio Montreal” IDs. Heard between 2358-0700. [.997]. TIK
1290 16.1. 0330- USA: WJNO West Palm Beach FL. 0600z IDing WHIO. TIK
1300 16.1. 0100- USA: WGDJ Rensselaer NY. TIK
1330 16.1. 0558- USA: WFNN Erie PA. TIK
1380 16.1. 0500- USA: WABH Bath NY. TIK
1390 16.1. 0500- USA: WKPA Lynchburg VA. Power is claimed to be 34 watts. 200th Perseus-era North American. TIK
1410 16.1. 0100- CAN: CJWI Montreal QC. TIK
1470 11.1. 0703- USA: WLAM Lewiston ME. “The true oldies channel” + few SA stations. TIK
1480 16.1. 0458- USA: WHBC Canton OH. “News Talk 14-80 WHBC”. TIK
1640 16.1. 0600- USA: WTNI Biloxi MS. TIK
1680 16.1. 0604- USA: WOKB Winter Garden FL. TIK

Central America

580 16.1. 0501- CUB: CMBA R Rebelde, Mabujabo. TIK
660 12.1. 0600- CUB: CMBC R Progreso, Jovellanos. TIK
680 14.1. 0300- PTR: WAPA San Juan PR. TIK
850 16.1. 0428- CUB: R Reloj, Nueva Gerona. WEEI was the strongest. TIK
890 16.1. 0601- CUB: CMDZ R Progreso, Chambas. TIK

South America

820 16.1. 0701- CLM: HJED Caracol, Cali. TIK
1020 10.1. 0330- VEN: YVMX R Continente, Maracaibo. TIK
1070 10.1. 0600- CLM: HJAH Emisora Atlantico, Barranquilla. TIK

Stations heard 28.12.13 – 8.1.14

January 13, 2014 By: admin Category: BC-stations, DX-listening

Propagation has been up and down recently. 29th Dec was very good morning to Columbia with 1140 HRVC La Voz Evangélica, Choluteca as a big suprise. 1st Jan was reasonably good but so far the best day in 2014 has been the 7th of January. Highlight that day was 940 HCBZ1 R Casa de la Cultura Ecuatoriana, Quito.

New improvement for the station has been that I am using now TeamViewer 9 for remote control. I can now listen to Perseus-files over the internet and also listen live.


1107 6.1. 1400- CHN: Xinjiang PBS, Hutubi. “Xinjang Golos Radiostanitsa”.
1116 6.1. 1400- CHN: CNR5 Zhonghua zhi Sheng, Shaowu.
1368 4.1. 1400- IRN: IRIB R Golestan, Gorgan. Own programme with local IDs. Quite different format than other IRIBs. Splitti [.965].
1377 4.1. 1400- CHN: CNR 1. Thanks for MTM’s article, I understang eg. that news are starting: “Zhongguo zhi sheng, yang guang ye xinwen”!

North America

540 1.1. 0704- CAN: CBT Grand Falls NL.
1480 28.12.2013 0628- USA: WLMV Madison WI. “La Movida”.
1500 28.12.2013 0628- USA: WLQV Detroit MI. [.003].
1520 8.1. 0700- USA: WWKB Buffalo NY.
1600 8.1. 0658- USA: WUNR Brookline MA.
1610 30.12.2013 0358- CAN: CHHA Toronto ON. “Radio Voces, Latinas”. New one.
1650 30.12.2013 0402- CAN: CINA Missisauga ON. “16-50 AM, CINA”.
1680 7.1. 0458- USA: WOKB Winter Garden FL. New one.

Central America

950 5.1. 0457- CUB: R Reloj. With CKNB. Reloj also 790, 860 & 930.
1000 5.1. 0459- CUB: CMNM R Granma, Media Luna GR. TIK
1070 5.1. 0500- CUB: CMKS R Trinchera Antimperialista, Guantánamo. After few poor mornings, some TA-condx. Unfortunately quite weak mixed propagation. Trinchera and Reloj same time also on 1020.
1120 7.1. 0000- PTR: WMSW R Once, Hatillo. Almost all night.
1140 7.1. 0300- CUB: CMBF R Musical Nacional, Villa Clara. New Cuban for me! “Radio Musical Nacional transmitiendo desde La Habana, Cuba”. Mielenkiintoiset kelit 7.1.
1140 29.12.2013 0528- HND: HRVC La Voz Evangélica, Choluteca. I noticed this split Spanish [.028] station, which was quite weak and signal had lots of fading. Although split indicated that this is something interesting, I couldn’t figure out anything from this. Then I heard that in Sweden this was identified as Hondurasian with CVC programme “Píldoras y reflexiones”. Again to the file and after careful listening, I found “HRVC”-ID. ID approved by HK & PW, tack!
1570 29.12.2013 0600- GTM: TGVE VEA Voz Evangelica de América, Guatemala. Appearently signing off.

South America

730 7.1. 0531- CLM: HJCU Melodía Stereo, SF de Bogotá. Rebelde was dominating low band.
850 1.1. 0730- VEN: YVZC R Fé y Alegría, Maracaibo. New day’s propagation was up and down, but this was new one.
940 7.1. 0357- EQA: HCBZ1 R Casa de la Cultura Ecuatoriana, Quito. I heard this few minutes with very nice signal with clear ID. HK approved this also, tnx. They had station promo with Glenn Miller tune (In the mood). Although OLL has no loggings for this, it has been heard back in the days. [.998] Afterwards I heard Glenn Miller tune also 1.1.2014 0302Z.
1020 10.1. 0330- VEN: YVMX R Continente, Maracaibo. 10th Jan some VEN on low band, but no new ones.
1100 7.1. 0300- CLM: HJCN R BBN, Bogotá. With Caracol.
1130 27.12.2013 0637- CLM: HJVA Vida AM, Bogotá.
1140 1.1. 0704- CLM: HJDL R Paisa, Medellin.
1260 29.12.2013 0700- CLM: HJDA R Auténtica, Medellín. Weak on split [.984]. PUL’s log entry helped with ID.
1280 27.12.2013 0633- CLM: HJKN R Única, Bogotá. Quite rare recent years. Below NotiUno [.972].
1300 1.1. 0258- PRU: OAX4S R Comas, Comas. Audio had typical Peru sound. Fine IDs and strong signal few minutes. No other Peru heard!
1310 29.12.2013 0500- B: ZYJ684 R Globo Rondônia, Pôrto Velho.
1310 29.12.2013 0601- CLM: HJAK La Voz de la Patria, Barranquilla. [1309.681].
1330 1.1. 0657- CLM: HJFE RCN Antena 2, Pereira. Good signal. New one. [.003].
1350 1.1. 0700- CLM: HJDS Ondas de La Montaña, Medellín.
1380 29.12.2013 0655-0705 CLM: HJJD NSE Radio, Medellín. This station I was wondering for a long time. WWW-address was given and I thought it is something like “” and this must be Nuevo Tiempo. It made me suspicious as I didn’t notice any other stations from Lima. Then I saw PK’s log entry for NSE Radio and it “opened” this case. It didn’t help that WRTH 2014 lists this with full name (R. Nuestra Señora del Encuentro con Dios).
1520 7.1. 0500- CLM: HJLQ Radio Minuto, Barranquilla. At this point the strongest SA on the band.
1540.5 29.12.2013 0701- PRU: R Turbo Mix AM, Cajamarca. “Turrrrrrbo Mix … aa emme!”.
1550 7.1. 0358- CLM: HJCB R El Sol, Barranquilla. New one from CLM. Radio El Sol- and RCN-IDs. [.000].
1580 7.1. 0358- CLM: HJQZ R Maria, Barranquilla. Lately Radio Maria has had problems with audio. Also Caracol heard.
1580 29.12.2013 0632- CLM: HJRM Caracol Radio, Sincelejo. [.997].


Honduras and Guatemala confirmed

January 12, 2014 By: admin Category: BC-stations, DX-listening, QSL

Christmas and new year clearly were a bit quiet time for QSLing although I sent quite a lot of reception reports. Fortunately some interesting catches arrived:

604. Belorussian Radio 1170 kHz

Anton Vasyukevich, Chief Director sent me an English QSL-letter as an attachment of email. This was also a new country for me – one of those “new” post-1991 countries which I was missing.

605. R Rossii Volgograd 567 kHz

This was a nice suprise. Confirmation arrived in 6 days. I have tried to get a QSL few times before but now they finally replied – and asked me an interwiev via Skype. I replied that unfortunately I can’t speak Russian … So far this is the only one of Radio Rossii local stations which has replied to me. Few others (3-4) which I’ve emailed to recently, have been silent.

606. WRNI Providence RI 1290 kHz

Aaron Read, IT & Engineering Director replied with an email to my second reception report. Read has also an interesting blog.

607. CCI Radio, Tegucicalpa 1300 kHz

Patty de Mejía, Comunicaciones replied with nice email quickly. You can read more about this from my recent blog entry. This was a new country for me.

608. TGVE VEA Voz Evangelica de América, Guatemala 1570 kHz

TGVE “Radio Veea” I heard twice in December. They replied via email in 7 days. Also all time new country for me.


FM-DX in 2013

January 09, 2014 By: admin Category: DX-listening, FMDX

Here are my FM loggings for the 2013 summer season. I was using Perseus FM+ and 4 el FM yagi. Mostly I was listening in the city center where the antenna was hanging in the railing of my balcony and is in the middle of high buildings – very very poor QTH. Few openings I was listening at country side with the same set up. I have plans to have a remote station for Es season 2014, where I monitor Perseus via internet connection and the station itself is at my remote HF QTH. The plan is also to put up Körner-yagi for FM (build by OH1ZAA).


87.500 18.6.2013 1550- E: Dynamis Radio, Madrid. Alcorcón-tx. Was audible about one minute with religious talks. Confirmed my tentative report in 5 minutes. This was heard at city centre!
87.500 20.6.2013 0614- I: Radio Subasio. Old friend who confirmed about 25 years ago my reception report.
87.500 29.6.2013 1841- I: Radionorba. Casacalenda-tx (CB). Ads to Bari but perhaps not local.
87.900 4.8.2013 0733- CZE: ČRo Region-Vysočina.
87.900 29.6.2013 1804- I: Punto Radio (Bologna).
87.900 12.6.2013 1639- SUI: SWR 1 Baden-Württemberg. St.Chrischona [SUI]-tx. //88.300.
87.900 17.6.2013 1735- UKR: Radio Era FM. Odessa-tx.
88.000 20.6.2013 0833- D: SR 1 Europawelle. Göttelborner Höhe-tx.
88.300 12.6.2013 1639- D: SWR1 Baden-Württemberg. Raichberg -tx.
88.300 20.6.2013 0652 – POL: PR 1. Opole-tx? PI:3211 RDS: time. The first Polish station I heard on FM?
88.300 29.6.2013 1805- POL: PR 1. Opole-tx. PI:3211.
88.400 4.8.2013 0624- CZE: Radio Haná. Kroměříž-tx.
88.400 4.6.2013 1556- RUS: Tentative: Detskoje Radio. Zhigulevsk/Toljatti , Samara-tx. No ID, but sent children’s programme and also direction of condx was right.
88.400 29.6.2013 1631- TUR: Lalegül FM, Istanbul. PI:346C PS:LALEGUL ja 621_1115 ja FM 0212.
88.400 19.6.2013 1439- UNID: Arab.
88.500 31.5.2013 1652- D: NDR 1 Niedersachsen, Göttingen. The first identified Perseus FM+ station!
88.500 17.6.2013 1701- ROU: Pro Fm, Reşiţa / Semenic. PI: E059 RDS: 88,5 FM.
88.500 20.6.2013 0558- SVN: Radio Slovenija 1. TS & ID.
88.600 20.6.2013 0702- AUT: 88.6 Der Musiksender.
88.600 20.6.2013 0627- I: Radio Capital.
88.600 19.5.2013 0942- I: Veronica Hit Radio, Pesaro.
88.700 26.6.2013 1830- FIN: Suviseuraradio. Eurajoki-tx. T
88.700 7.6.2013 2102- G: BBC R 2. Blaenplwyf-tx.
88.800 20.6.2013 0735- CZE: ČRo Sever. Ústí nad Labem-tx. PI:2709 RDS:R-SEVER.
88.900 20.6.2013 0733- D: Bayern 1. Dillberg-tx.
88.900 12.6.2013 1813- LUX: RTL Radio Lëtzebuerg.
88.900 20.6.2013 0853- LUX: RTL Radio Lëtzebuerg.
89.000 19.6.2013 1235- RUS: Yumor FM. Goryachiy Klyuch (KD) -tx.
89.100 20.6.2013 0747- CZE: ČRo Radiožurnál. Plzeň-tx. PI:232F PS:R-ZURNAL.
89.100 29.6.2013 1636- ROU: Radio România Cultural.
89.100 19.6.2013 1457- ROU: Radio Romania Cultural, Baneasa/Dobrogea Sud.
89.200 20.6.2013 0552- AUT: Hitradio Ö3. Graz 1-tx.
89.600 30.6.2013 0655- AUT: Radio Eins. Bruck and der Mur-tx. “Meine musik, mein radio – Radio Eins!” Edit: when sending report I found that “Die privaten Lokalsender Radio Graz und Radio Eins (Mur-Mürztal, Ennstal) haben mit 1. Juli den Betrieb eingestellt.” So I heard it on last day!
89.600 20.6.2013 0603- HRV: Radio Centar – studio Poreč. Local ads. PI:C439.
89.600 29.6.2013 1620- ROU: R Reintregirea. Alba Iulia -tx. PI:E021 PS:REINTRE-.
89.700 20.6.2013 0711- CZE: ČRo Radiožurnál. also 90.90
89.700 29.6.2013 1309- HRV: HRT-HR 1 Biokovo. PI:C201.
89.700 20.6.2013 0603- I: RMC – Radio Monte Carlo. Muggia-tx.
89.700 17.6.2013 1710- UKR: Evropa Plus. Simferopol-tx.
89.700 29.6.2013 1639- UKR: Prosto Rock 89.7 FM, Odesa. ID ja PI:6058.
90.100 20.6.2013 0916- I: Ciao Radio, Bologna (BO). Pianoro-tx. The 100th QSL in 2013. Good ole private Italo, not a mega chain.
90.100 20.6.2013 0638- SVN: Radio 1. Nova Gorica 1 -tx.
90.200 29.6.2013 1636- BUL: BNR Horizont. Burgas-tx. PI:8210.
90.200 20.6.2013 0652- HNG: Árvízvédelmi Rádió. Nagykanizsa-tx.
90.200 29.6.2013 1601- ROU: Radio Ring. Medias-tx.
90.300 19.5.2013 0930- BUL: Tentative: R. 1, Sofia. Veliko Tarnovo. RDS “RADIO 1”. This was heard in Petalax with PW’s equipment.
90.400 20.6.2013 0747- D: Deutschlandradio Kultur.
90.400 20.6.2013 0940- I: RMC – Radio Monte Carlo.
90.800 29.6.2013 1653- ROU: Magic FM. Bucureşti-tx.
90.800 29.6.2013 1659- ROU: Radio 21, Timişoara. Local ads.
90.800 17.6.2013 1726- TUR: Süper FM.
90.800 19.6.2013 1308- UKR: Styl’noye radio. Luhansk-tx. Tnx Victor!
90.900 29.6.2013 1647- SRB: Radio Beograd 1. Kopaonik-tx.
91.100 20.6.2013 0706- CZE: ČRo Radiožurnál. //89.700 České Budějovice-tx.
91.100 29.6.2013 1826- CZE: ČRo Radiožurnál.
91.100 20.6.2013 0838- D: SWR1 Rheinland-Pfalz. Scharteberg (Eifel)-tx.
91.100 29.6.2013 1601- UKR: Nashe Radio. Lysytšansk-tx.
91.200 20.6.2013 0725- CZE: ČRo Dvojka. PI:232E PS:R-DVOJKA.
91.300 21.6.2013 1801- BEL: TOPradio. Brugge-tx. During the BEL/HOL-opening I heard an English ad here. After 1,5 weeks of banging the “tape”, I understood that the ad is for “La Casa” night club in Lokeren. DJ for the night there was Robert Abigail. The station of neighbor city confirmed that it was their ad.
91.300 6.6.2013 1613- S: Rockklassiker. Örnsköldsvik-tx. Tropo. Stereo.
91.400 20.6.2013 0725- CZE: Radio Impuls. Plzeň-tx. PI:2203.
91.400 29.6.2013 1649- MNE: Atlas Radio, Podgorica. PI:D222 PS:ATLAS ja RADIO.
91.400 29.6.2013 1650- ROU: Radio România Actualităţi. Drobeta-Turnu Severin-tx.
91.500 29.6.2013 1826- AUT: Ö2 – Radio Niederösterreich. Only RDS-tunnistus: PI:A602 PS:RADIO-N.
91.500 29.6.2013 1656- BIH: R Kameleon. Kladan-tx.
91.600 29.6.2013 1809- I: Radio Aut Marche. PI:501C PS:RADIOAUT/RADIOTUA.
91.800 29.6.2013 1826- CZE: Rádio Hey. Chain ID.
92.200 29.6.2013 1215- BUL: BNR Hristo Botev. Sometimes also 100.90.
92.300 29.6.2013 1828- I: Radio Maria. Sannicandro Garganico-tx.
92.800 29.6.2013 1810- I: R Studio Delta. PI:53FB PS:382711/ROMAGNA.
93.000 12.6.2013 1600- F: France Bleu Breizh Izel, Brest (29). Jingle ja PI: F205.
93.100 20.6.2013 0757- D: Bayern 2. Kreuzberg-tx.
93.300 12.6.2013 1754- LUX: RTL Radio. Dudelange/Ginsterberg-tx.
93.500 20.6.2013 0758- D: SWR1 Baden-Württemberg. Hornisgrinde-tx.
93.800 20.6.2013 0752- D: SWR2. SWR2 Musikstunde: Mit allen Sinnen mit Doris Blaich //93.200.
94.600 12.6.2013 1623- I: R.Sound, Piacenza. Travo/Pigazzano (PC)-tx. Audio ID and PI:524E PS:TEL.0523.
95.000 12.6.2013 1624- I: Radio Sound 95. Piacenza-tx. //94.600.
95.100 12.6.2013 1731- D: WDR3. Langenberg/Hordtberg-tx.
95.200 24.7.2013 1028- G: BBC Radio Cornwall.
95.200 29.6.2013 1757- I: Radio Italia Anni 60. Audio-ID and PI:5495.
95.300 24.7.2013 1007- G: BBC R Wales. Blaenplwyf-tx.
95.400 12.6.2013 1731- D: Antenne Münster. Münster / Fernmeldeturm. Nx & wx.
95.500 12.6.2013 1733- D: SR 3 Saarlandwelle. Göttelborner Höhe-tx.
95.600 20.6.2013 0803- D: Bayern 1. Pfaffenberg-tx.
95.900 24.7.2013 1032- G: BBC Radio Humberside.
95.900 29.6.2013 1757- I: Radio Milano Marittima. Cesena-tx with PI:53E1 PS:MI.MA.
96.000 29.6.2013 1815- CZE: Radio Krokodýl. Žďár nad Sázavou-tx. Only non stop music but PI:20A2 ja PS:KROKODYL.
96.100 12.6.2013 1605- G: BBC Solent 96.1. ID when I arrived to QRG. Of course recording was not on.
96.100 29.6.2013 1553- ROU: Kiss FM, Bucureşti. Lots of ads. PI:515A PS:KISS_FM_. TIK
96.200 20.6.2013 0802- D: SWR2. Hornisgrinde-tx. TIK
96.200 24.7.2013 1022- G: Heart. Huntshaw Cross-tx. Network px. TIK
96.200 13.6.2013 0855- RUS: Radio Vanja, Volsk (SR). PI: 7850 RDS: Ваня. Heard long, also local ads.
96.300 29.6.2013 1553- ROU: SRR Radio Iaşi. PI:FF03.
96.800 24.7.2013 1022- G: BBC Radio Cymru. Wenvoe-tx. PI:C327 PS:BBCymru.
96.900 30.6.2013 1815- HRV: Radio Istra. Učka-tx. PI:C386 PS:R-ISTRA.
97.200 29.6.2013 1748- HRV: Radio Kaj. Ivanščica 2-tx. PI:C31F PS:KAJ. Kaj’s PI later on 89.100 too.
97.400 30.6.2013 1748- AUT: FM 4. Rechnitz/Hirschenstein (BUR)-tx. Only RDS.
97.600 29.6.2013 1701- SRB: Radio Beograd 2. PI:D2F6 PS:RTS_BG_2.
97.700 29.6.2013 1702- KOS: Radio Kosova.
97.800 29.6.2013 1748- CZE: Radio Haná. Only RDS-tunnistus. PI:2B16 PS:*_HANA_* PTY: Pop Music.
97.800 12.6.2013 1736- D: SWR1 Baden-Württemberg. Heidelberg / Königstuhl -tx.
97.900 29.6.2013 1704- UNID: UNID. “Arab” BIH/SRB gives a phone number and PI D288.
98.000 29.6.2013 1748- I: Radio Subasio. Fabriano-tx (AN). PI:53FD.
98.200 29.6.2013 1318- I: RAI GR Parlamento. Bari-tx. Visited in Bari 2 weeks after this.
98.400 29.6.2013 1744- I: Radio Nettuno. Montescudo-tx. Only shortly. PI:5876 PS:NETTUNO.
98.500 29.6.2013 1744- HRV: HRT-HR 2. Zagreb-tx. PI:C202 PS:HRT-HRT_2 PTY:Sport.
98.500 29.6.2013 1702- SRB: Hit Music FM, Beograd.
98.900 29.6.2013 1744- HRV: HRT-HR 2. Biokovo-tx. 4 min later also 97.500.
99.100 29.6.2013 1742- AUT: Antenne Steiermark. Only RDS.
99.900 29.6.2013 1742- SVN: Val 202. Kum-tx. PI:9202.
100.300 29.6.2013 1743- HRV: HRT-HR 3. Lička Plješivica-tx. PI:C203 5 min later also 97.700.
100.600 29.6.2013 1821- SVN: R City, Maribor. Told that they are “Festival radio”. PI:9415 PS:CITY PTY:Pop Music.
100.700 13.6.2013 1800- LUX: Radio 100,7. Dudelange/Ginsterberg-tx.
100.800 29.6.2013 1820- AUT: 88.6 Der Musiksender. Sankt Pölten-tx. Audio ID and “PI2” A6EE. Also Czech Radio Beat but only PI.
100.800 12.6.2013 1709- D: SWR1 Rheinland-Pfalz. Kettrichhof-tx. Audio local ID.
101.200 29.6.2013 1738- I: Radio 24. PI:5245 PS:RADIO_24.
101.300 29.6.2013 1820- HRV: HRT Radio Pula. Ad for erotic festical: Casanova Fest. In the city I have even been in surgery at hospital!
101.400 12.6.2013 1657- F: France Bleu Alsace (67). Strasbourg-tx.
101.500 12.6.2013 1803- HOL: Sky Radio. Several TXs.
101.700 24.7.2013 1019- G: Classic FM. Wenvoe-tx. Many frequencies. PI:C2A1.
102.100 24.7.2013 1019- G: Nation Hits, Cardiff. Ads //web.
102.300 13.6.2013 0908- RUS: Avtoradio. Penza-TX. Identification was “3 million rubles promo” for this station.
102.800 12.6.2013 1701- D: Radio Regenbogen. Heidelberg/Königstuhl-tx.
102.800 24.7.2013 1121- G: Pirate FM, Redruth. Thanks to IKA and JJH for helping with jingle.
102.800 13.6.2013 0904- RUS: Tentative: Most Radio, Penza. Local ads to Penza oblast but no ID.
103.400 24.7.2013 1100- G: BBC Radio Devon. Gave studio number 0845 301 1034. At first I thought that this is The Beachiksi, which has very similar phone number but fortunately gave their number more clearly again.
103.700 24.7.2013 1108- G: BBC Coventry and Warwickshire. Studio number 0845 900 5200.
103.700 24.7.2013 1059- G: BBC Radio York.
103.700 29.6.2013 1715- I: R Delta Uno, Piazzano di Atessa (CH). Casacalenda-Cerro del Ruccolo (CB)-tx. At first PI:535E (local ads), then 5C5E.
103.800 29.6.2013 1705- ROU: Radio România Actualităţi.
103.900 24.7.2013 1102- G: BBC Radio Cornwall.
104.400 29.6.2013 1713- HRV: Otvoreni Radio.
104.600 29.6.2013 1705- HNG: MTVA Kossuth Rádió. Pecs-tx.
104.700 29.6.2013 1707- BIH: Bobar Radio.
104.800 29.6.2013 1716- I: R Capital.
104.900 29.6.2013 1710- HRV: Narodni Radio. Bjelovar Grad-tx.
105.200 12.6.2013 1708- D: Big FM. Langenbrand-tx.
105.300 29.6.2013 1728- HRV: HRT Radio Osijek. PI:C317 PS:R-OSIJEK.
105.300 29.6.2013 1735- I: Radio Italia Solo Musica Italiana. Meldola (FC)-tx. PI:5220 PS:R_ITALIA.
105.500 29.6.2013 1733- HNG: Class FM. Pécs-Misinatető-tx.
105.500 29.6.2013 1736- I: Veronica MyRadio. Montegrimano T.-tx. Only RDS PI:5128 PS:VERONICA.
105.700 29.6.2013 1733- I: Radio Kiss Kiss. PI:5255 PS:KISSKISS.
105.800 29.6.2013 1737- I: Radio Subasio. Verghereto-Grizzana Morandi(FC)-tx.
106.300 6.6.2013 1640- S: RIX FM. Kramfors-Lugnvik/Bjärtrå Snödåsberget-tx. 257km/500W.
106.400 29.6.2013 1720- BIH: Nes Radio. Kozara-tx. Only RDS-ID: PI:F0D3 PS:NES.
106.400 29.6.2013 1720- HRV: HRT-HR 2. Ivanščica-tx. PI:C202 PS:HRT-HR_2.
107.200 29.6.2013 1719- HNG: Árvízvédelmi Rádió. Kabhegy-tx. PI:B206.
107.800 29.6.2013 1722- BIH: Radio Mir Medugorje. Lička Plješivica-tx. PI:F283 PS:R_MIR_M_.
107.900 29.6.2013 1723- HRV: HKR-Hrvatski Katolički Radio. PI:C204.

DXing year 2013 month by month

January 07, 2014 By: admin Category: BC-stations, DX-listening

This is a short presentation how my DXing (MW listening) year went. During the summer I listened to FM only. In August I started more active recording of the band. Unfortunately because of technical problems I missed some good DX openings (like USA condx in Sept&Oct).


Some of better USA/CAN stations heard (in Southern Finland):

550 8.1.2013 0800- USA: WSAU Wausau WI
560 8.1.2013 0200- USA: WQAM Miami FL
570 8.1.2013 0801- CAN: CKSW Swift Current SK
630 8.1.2013 0800- CAN: CFCO Chatham ON
630 6.1.2013 0759- CAN: CHED Edmonton AB
650 8.1.2013 0759- CAN: CKOM Saskatoon SK
650 8.1.2013 0801- USA: WSM Nashville TN
670 8.1.2013 0252- USA: KBOI Boise ID
680 6.1.2013 1355- ALS: KBRW Barrow AK
680 7.1.2013 0059- CAN: CJOB Winnipeg MB
760 6.1.2013 0728- USA: Tent. WEFL Tequesta FL
800 8.1.2013 0730- CAN: CKLW Windsor ON
850 8.1.2013 0800- USA: WFTL West Palm Beach FL
890 8.1.2013 0254- USA: WAMG Dedham MA
920 8.1.2013 0729- CAN: CKNX Wingham ON
930 8.1.2013 0800- USA: WBEN Buffalo NY
950 7.1.2013 0159- CAN: CFAM Altona MB
980 7.1.2013 0200- CAN: CJME Regina SK
1020 8.1.2013 0730- USA: WURN Kendall FL
1140 6.1.2013 1015- CAN: CHRB High River AB
1140 8.1.2013 0800- USA: WQBA Miami FL
1200 6.1.2013 0732- USA: WOAI San Antonio TX
1220 6.1.2013 0759- USA: WHKW Cleveland OH
1250 8.1.2013 0100- CAN: CJYE Oakville ON
1250 6.1.2013 0737- USA: WDDZ Pittsburgh PA
1260 8.1.2013 0159- USA: WMKI Boston MA
1260 5.1.2013 0800- USA: WSUA Miami FL
1290 7.1.2013 0705- USA: WHIO Dayton OH
1300 6.1.2013 0802- USA: WJMO Cleveland OH
1320 8.1.2013 0159- USA: KOZY Grand Rapids MN
1320 7.1.2013 0059- USA: WILS Lansing MI
1330 7.1.2013 0900- USA: WFNN Erie PA
1330 6.1.2013 0859- USA: WLOL Minneapolis MN
1360 8.1.2013 0759- USA: WTAQ Green Bay WI
1380 6.1.2013 0801- CAN: CKPC Brantford ON
1380 6.1.2013 1000- USA: KRKO Everett WA
1390 4.1.2013 0000- USA: WLCM Holt MI
1410 4.1.2013 0000- CAN: CKSL London ON
1420 6.1.2013 0200- USA: WHK Cleveland OH
1420 6.1.2013 0859- USA: WOC Davenport IA
1450 8.1.2013 0000- USA: WPGG Atlantic City NJ.
1480 7.1.2013 0201- USA: WGVU Kentwood MI.
1480 6.1.2013 0900- USA: WLMV Madison WI. “La Movida 14-80 AM”
1490 8.1.2013 0100- USA: WBAE Portland ME
1530 6.1.2013 0900- USA: WCKY Cincinnati OH
1590 8.1.2013 0706- USA: WAKR Akron OH.
1590 6.1.2013 1000- USA: WCGO Evanston IL.
1650 8.1.2013 0252- CAN: CINA Missisauga ON.
1650 8.1.2013 0200- USA: WHKT Portsmouth VA.
1670 8.1.2013 0059- CAN: CJEU Gatineau QC. “Radio Enfant”
1680 8.1.2013 0200- USA: WTTM Lindenwold NJ. “La Voz de Mexico”
1690 8.1.2013 0159- USA: WPTX Lexington Park MD. “Southern Maryland’s newstalk station 16-90 WPTX”.

730 8.1.2013 0759- MEX: XEX México City, D.F. “Ee doble U”
890 6.1.2013 0730- PNR: HOQ62 Ritmo Stereo, Chitré
900 8.1.2013 0730- MEX: XEW Cíudad de México DF. “En doble U radio … Cadena Doble U”
939.88 8.1.2013 0800- MEX: XEQ Ciudad de México DF. “Radio Apasionada – XEQ”
1530 25.1.2013 0702- PNR: R Avivamiento, Panamá
1570 6.1.2013 0902- MEX: XERF La Poderosa, Cd. Acuña

570 2.1.2013 0705- CLM: HJND R Nacional, SF de Bogotá
610 5.1.2013 0702- CLM: HJKL La Carinosa 6-10, Bogotá. “La Carinosa … RCN”.
790 2.1.2013 0251- VEN: YVXM R Minuto, Barquisimeto
1250 6.1.2013 0727- CLM: HJHS W Radio, Cúcuta


1660 25.2.2013 0200- USA: WCNZ Marco Island FL

1230 1.2.2013 0702- PTR: WNIK Arecibo PR. “Unica Radio”
1260 26.2.2013 0100- PTR: WISO Ponce PR. “Double U-A-P-A”
1300 26.2.2013 0100- SXM: PJD-2 The Voice of St.Maarten, Philipsburg. “This PJD-2 radio celebrating 40 years …”.
1330 26.2.2013 0100- PTR: WENA La Buena del Sur, Yauco. “La Buena”

1190 26.2.2013 0059- EQA: HCDE2 UCSG Radio, Guayaquil


531 18.3.2013 0000- IRN: IRIB R Iran, Azar Sharh
675 18.3.2013 0229- IRN: IRIB R Hamadan, Hamadan
945 18.3.2013 1630- IRN: IRIB R Kordestan, Dehgolan. “Inja Sanandaja-ast, sedayee Jumhuriye Islamiye Iran, markaye Kordestan”
1035 18.3.2013 1630- IRN: IRIB R Yazd, Yazd/Fahraj
1107 18.3.2013 1630- IRN: IRIB R Khorasan-e Razavi, Sabzevar.
1350.045 13.3.2013 0200- GEO: Apsua Radio, Suhumi


1440 17.4.2013 0205- USA: WRED Westbrook ME

1120 16.4.2013 0100- PTR: WMSW R Once, Hatillo
1390 9.4.2013 0100- PTR: WISA Isabela PR

890 17.4.2013 0301- CLM: HJCE Radio Continental, Bogota
1010 28.4.2013 0059- B: ZYH625 R Globo O Povo Fortaleza CE
1250 9.4.2013 0002- PRU: OAX4L R Miraflores, Miraflores
1309.975 8.4.2013 2359- PRU: OUA6N R Libertad, Arequipa
1310 27.4.2013 2359- B: ZYI691 R Cidade Esperança, Esperança PB
1319.94 7.4.2013 2359- PRU: OAU7W Radio Perú, Juliaca
1340 9.4.2013 0002- PRU: OAQ4Q R Alegría, Lima
1350 28.4.2013 0001- B: ZYI675 R Clube, Campina Grande PB
1350 8.4.2013 0002- PRU: OBU7E R Santa Beatriz, Cusco
1410 28.4.2013 0006- B: ZYJ614 R. Santa Cruz AM, Santa Cruz, RN
1470 9.4.2013 0000- + PRU: Radio Voz Cristiana, Huancayo
1530 9.4.2013 0000- PRU: Tent. OBU4C R Milenia, Lima
1590 28.4.2013 0059- B: ZY…. Radio Restauração, Caruaru PE


1200 11.5.2013 0129- B: ZYK520 R Cultura Brasil, Sao Paulo SP
1240 13.5.2013 0103- PRU: OBX7M R Pachatusán, Sicuani
1250 13.5.2013 0100- PRU: OAX4L R Miraflores, Miraflores
1270 10.5.2013 0129- ARG: LS11 R Provincia de Buenos Aires, La Plata
1300 9.5.2013 0100-0135 UNID: UNID. Perharps Radio Sol from Bolivia.
1310 13.5.2013 0100- B: ZYI691 R Cidade Esperança, Esperança PB
1310 10.5.2013 0131- VEN: YVSM/YVSL R Nacional de Venezuela, Barcelona/Guri. “Nuestra de Radio Nacional”
1340 11.5.2013 0131- B: R CBN, Cascável/Porto Alegre. CBN news.
1360 13.5.2013 0100- B: ZYJ464 R Bandeirantes, Rio de Janeiro, RJ
1410 11.5.2013 0129- B: Tentative: ZYI382 Nova R Clube de Corumbá MS
1430 10.5.2013 0130- B: ZYJ671 R Caiari Porto Velho RO. [1430.007]
1440 9.5.2013 0129- BOL: CP107 R Yaguarí, Vallegrande, Depto. Santa Cruz. Also 10.5.
1480 9.5.2013 0129- BOL: R Bendita Trinidad, Tarija etc. //1540. [1479.985].
1480 13.5.2013 0059- PRU: Tentative: OAZ7E Radio Espinar, Yauri. [1480.035] Bad audio and split indicate that it is this one.
1510 9.5.2013 0129- PRU: OCX6Q R Alegría, Arequipa. Bad audio. [1510.016].
1540 9.5.2013 0129- BOL: R Bendita Trinidad, El Alto. [1539.990]
1550 9.5.2013 0129- BOL: CP115 R Caranavi. [1550.004] Also religious Bolivian [1520.055] and 2 stations on 1460.
1560.142 9.5.2013 0129- + BOL: Radio Urkupiña, Quillacollo . Ad “Supermercado América” and football game Aurora vs Nacional Potosí at Cochabamba.
1570.71 9.5.2013 0129- BOL: UNID. Only talk without ID
1580 9.5.2013 0129- BOL: R El Fuego del Espíritu Santo, El Alto. [1580.455]. “el la Radio Espiritu Santo…”. Same time football Bolivian [1399.852] tent. Radio Nacional.
1640 10.5.2013 0000- PRU: R Kalikanto, Chamaca. [1640.008] Also 11.5. and 13.5.

Special thanks to HK for ID help and TK for founding some interesting splits for digging.






1602 28.8.2013 1900- POL: Radio AM, Krakow. “Minela godzina dziewiata Krakow tysiac szescset dwa kiloherca”.

918 27.8.2013 1930- IRN: IRIB Radio Kerman, Jiroft
972 18.8.2013 0130- IRN: IRIB Radio Iran, Ilam

1540 19.8.2013 0055- BAH: ZNS1 R Bahamas, Nassau

820 19.8.2013 0228- CLM: HJED Caracol, Cali
1190 18.8.2013 0228- VEN: YVZD R Cultural del Táchira, San Cristóbal.
1360 26.8.2013 0200- B: ZYJ464 R Bandeirantes, Rio de Janeiro
1400 26.8.2013 0225- B: ZYJ456 R Rio de Janeiro, Rio de Janeiro RJ
1670 11.8.2013 0229- ARG: Radio Rubí, Rafael Castillo, Matanza BA


1530 21.9.2013 0300- ROU: R Constanta

1386 7.9.2013 2258- G: Carillon Radio

648 17.9.2013 1740- IND: AIR Indore. Local ID.
666 8.9.2013 0029- IND: AIR Delhi

560 17.9.2013 0355- USA: WQAM Miami FL
610 8.9.2013 0330- USA: WIOD Miami FL. After this first logging, the most common FL-station in 2013. Heard at least 10 times.
790 17.9.2013 0328- USA: WAXY South Miami FL. “104.3 and AM 7-90”.
850 16.9.2013 0300- USA: WFTL West Palm Beach FL
1140 7.9.2013 0200- USA: WQBA Miami FL
1160 20.9.2013 0400- BER: VSB3 Hamilton. rBBC WS.
1200 10.9.2013 0259- USA: KFNW West Fargo ND
1260 10.9.2013 0259- USA: WSUA Miami FL.
1290 21.9.2013 0324-0403 USA: WJNO West Palm Beach FL
1290 16.9.2013 0328- USA: WKBK Keene NH. “AM 12-90 WKBK”. Later in 2013 several times.
1310 16.9.2013 0233- USA: KNOX Grand Forks ND. “Newsradio 13-10 KNOX AM, Grand Forks”.
1410 17.9.2013 0203- CAN: CJWI Montreal QC.
1540 7.9.2013 0200- USA: WDCD Albany NY. “15-40 AM WDCD”. Back on the air. Later quite common.

600 8.9.2013 0400- PTR: WAEL Mayagüez PR. rel WKAQ 580
640 2.9.2013 0300- GDL: Guadeloupe 1ère, Point-à-Pitre. Also next night.
840 16.9.2013 0401- CUB: CMHW Doblevé, Santa Clara.
840 10.9.2013 0300- CUB: CMKC R Revolución, Palma Soriano.
840 2.9.2013 -0236 HTI: 4VEH La voix évangélique d’Haïti, Cape Haitien.
970 25.9.2013 0430- VIR: WSTX St. Croix VI. Also next night.
1020 10.9.2013 0028- CUB: CMAP R Guamá, Bahía Honda PR
1050 21.9.2013 0204- CUB: CMLL R Victoria, Las Tunas, LT
1060 25.9.2013 0359- DOM: HIAJ R Amanecer, San Pedro de Macorís. [1060.004]
1160 2.9.2013 0229- ATG: Caribbean R Lighthouse, St. John’s. Also next night.
1190 8.9.2013 0100- PTR: WBMJ San Juan PR. Pxs “Tocando tu vida con la palabra de Dios” and “Noticiero Jerusalén”.
1260 10.9.2013 0258- PTR: WISO Ponce PR. //WAPA.
1300 2.9.2013 0300- SXM: PJD-2 The Voice of St.Maarten, Philipsburg.
1320 8.9.2013 0100- PTR: WSKN R Isla, San Juan, PR.
1350 9.9.2013 0255- CUB: CMLM R Libertad, Puerto Padre
1440 21.9.2013 0233- NCG: Tentative: YNA3MR R Maranatha, Managua. [1439.863]

540 22.9.2013 0448- CLM: HJKA Radio Auténtica, Bogotá
560 2.9.2013 0304- GUY: Voice of Guyana, Georgetown. “VOG – The Caribbean Sound”. Later in 2013 several times (almost every night), the second most common SA in one point (after RPC). In December already more rare.
560 8.9.2013 0332- VEN: YVRH R Nacional de Venezuela, Ciudad Guayana. “Radio Venezuela” & “Radio Nacional de Venezuela”.
570 15.9.2013 0404- CLM: Señal Radio Colombia, Bogotá
590 2.9.2013 0300- CLM: HJCR W Radio, Medellín
600 10.9.2013 0356- CLM: HJHJ R Libertad, Barranquilla
620 23.9.2013 0428- VEN: Radio Libertad 620, Cabimas. Slogan: “Libertad 620, la de siempre!”
630 23.9.2013 0428- VEN: YVKA R Nacional de Venezuela, Caracas. “…en Canal Informativo de Radio Nacional de Venezuela”.
640 26.9.2013 0425- VEN: YVQO Unión R, Puerto La Cruz
660 23.9.2013 0356- CLM: HJJM R Auténtica, Cali
660 23.9.2013 0427- VEN: YVNA Ondas de los Medanos, Coro.
680 10.9.2013 0331- VEN: YVQR R Continente, Cumana. “Transmite Radio Continente”.
690 16.9.2013 0428- CLM: HJCZ W Radio, Bogotá. “… Doble U Radio, Doble U Radio” ex-Radio Recuerdos.
700 23.9.2013 0357- CLM: HJCX W R, Cali
700 2.9.2013 0300- EQA: HCRS2 R Sucre, Guayaquil. [699.993]. Also 9.9.
700 10.9.2013 0355- VEN: YVMH R Popular, Maracaibo. [700.007]. Also 20.9.
710 2.9.2013 0332- CLM: HJNX R Red, Medellin. Big split abt [709.905]. ID: “Radio Red de RCN …”.
740 3.9.2013 0300- B: ZYH446 R Sociedade da Bahia, Salvador, BA
740 19.9.2013 0357- VEN: YVNC CNB 740, Maracaibo
790 23.9.2013 0435- VEN: YVKC Radio Venezuela 790, Caracas
830 16.9.2013 0430- VEN: YVLT R Sensación, Caracas. For the first time, later very common station.
870 2.9.2013 0304- EQA: HCNY2 R Cristal, Guayaquil. [869.988]
890 7.9.2013 0325- VEN: YVLW R América, Valencia. “América 8-90”. Later very common.
920 2.9.2013 0302- EQA: HCAB1 R Democrácia, Quito. Later heard 3 times more, but no other loggers in OLL!
920 6.9.2013 0202- PRG: ZP1 R Nacional del Paraguay, Asunción. Later in 2013 2-3 times.
940 2.9.2013 0259- CLM: HJGB R Calima, Cali.
940 8.9.2013 0331- CLM: HJTL RCN, Cucuta. Also 23.9.
950 23.9.2013 0435- CLM: HJFN Caracol Colombia, Pereira
960 23.9.2013 0433- CLM: HJHN Caracol, Magangué. “Caracol Radio”
960 26.9.2013 0431- VEN: R Venezuela 960, Acarigua
1000 26.9.2013 0425- VEN: YVNM R Caribeña Mil AM, Morón
1020 2.9.2013 0255- CLM: HJFQ RCN, Pereira.
1020 26.9.2013 0328- VEN: YVMX R Continente, Maracaibo.
1020 18.9.2013 0431- VEN: YVTW R Alegría, Chivacoa.
1030 2.9.2013 0302- CLM: HJER RCN Antena 2, Cali.
1110 3.9.2013 0028- VEN: YVQT R Carupano, Carupano.
1120 8.9.2013 0203- CLM: HJKQ Bésame, Tunja.
1140 10.9.2013 0302- CLM: HJE67 Caracol Radio, Villavicencio
1140 8.9.2013 0257- CLM: HJKO R Esperanza, Cartagena
1190 2.9.2013 0128- EQA: HCDE2 UCSG Radio, Guayaquil
1200 25.9.2013 0404- VEN: YVOZ R Tiempo, Caracas
1300 18.9.2013 0331- PRU: OAX4S R Comas, Comas.
1300 2.9.2013 0330- VEN: YVKH R Recuerdos, Caracas
1350 16.9.2013 0330- CLM: HJOC RCN, Santa Marta.
1360 2.9.2013 0201- CLM: HJTU R Oxigeno, Cartagena. [1359.951]. Later quite common.
1390 24.9.2013 0402- PRU: R Fé, Chiclayo. Splitti [1390.066]
1400 2.9.2013 0302- CLM: HJLL RCN Antena 2, Santa Bárbara
1420 18.9.2013 0400- VEN: YV.. R Sintonia, Caracas
1430 4.9.2013 0300- B: ZYJ671 R Caiari, Porto Velho RO
1470 10.9.2013 0331- B: ZYJ676 R Rondonia, Cacoal (RO)
1470 2.9.2013 0159- CLM: HJNT R Huellas, Cali. [1470.071].
1470 2.9.2013 0331- VEN: YVJW Union Radio Cultural, Valencia. [1470.036].
1490 8.9.2013 0331- CLM: HJBS Emisora Punto Cinco, Bogotá. Also “wobbler”-station in the frequency.

Didn’t list the most common HJ/YV/OA-stations.


702 5.10.2013 0259- TUR: TRT1 Catalca.
1080 18.10.2013 0358- RUS: R Mordovii, Saransk.
1377 19.10.2013 1558- UKR: R Khvylia, Vinnitsya. ID: “Vasiri Vinnitska Oblastnaja derzhavna teleradiokompanija Vintera”.
1503 9.10.2013 0256- SRB: R Beograd 202. “Dva nula dva”.

630 15.10.2013 0459- G: BBC R Cornwall, Lanner
738 15.10.2013 0459- G: BBC Hereford & Worcester, Worcester
756 15.10.2013 0500- G: R Hafren, Newtown. “This is Radio Hafren”.
765 15.10.2013 0500- G: BBC Essex.
801 15.10.2013 0459- G: BBC R Devon, Barnstaple.
828 20.10.2013 0459- G: Magic 828, Leeds.
837 15.10.2013 0500- G: BBC Asian Network, Freeman’s Common (Leicester).
837 20.10.2013 0500- G: BBC R Cumbria, Barrow in Furness.
855 15.10.2013 0500- G: BBC R Lancashire, Preston.
1026 15.10.2013 0459- G: BBC R Jersey, Trinity. Two new BBC locals same morning: Cornwall and Jersey!
1116 15.10.2013 0500- G: BBC R Guernsey, Rohais.
1458 20.10.2013 0500- G: BBC Asian Network, Langley Mill.
1521 20.10.2013 0450- G: Flame CCR, South Wirral.

693 18.10.2013 1530- BGD: Bangladesh Betar, Dhaka
774 19.10.2013 1529- JPN: JOUB Akita NHK-2.
891 5.10.2013 0259- TUR: TRT Antalya R, Antalya. “TRT Antalya Radyosu”.
927 5.10.2013 0259- TUR: TRT 1 Radyo Bir, Izmir.
954 5.10.2013 0259- TUR: TRT Trabzon Radio.
1413 19.10.2013 1558- JPN: JOIF Fukuoka

590 21.10.2013 0558- CUB: CMBA R Rebelde, Guantanamo
840 22.10.2013 0501- PNR: HOL80 R Nacional de Panama. “Nacional FM”.
930 23.10.2013 0226- CUB: CMIP R Surco, Ciego de Avila CA
1060 22.10.2013 0502- MEX: XEEP R Educación, Mexico DF
1140 21.10.2013 2358- PTR: WQII Once Q, San Juan
1430 23.10.2013 0501- DOM: HIJC R Emanuel, Santiago.

660 13.10.2013 0402- CLM: HJQS R Colmundo, Cúcuta
780 30.10.2013 0455- CLM: HJZG LV del Valle, Cali.
860 11.10.2013 0457- VEN: YVOL Mundial 8-60, San Cristóbal.
860 23.10.2013 0434- VEN: YVYE R Enlace 8-60, Valle de La Pascua.
940 23.10.2013 0259- CLM: HJGB R Calima, Cali.
950 20.10.2013 0200- CLM: HJUJ Armonías Boyacenses, Tunja.
960 22.10.2013 0531- CLM: HJHN Caracol, Magangué.
960 11.10.2013 0331- VEN: YVSS Radio San Sebastián, San Cristóbal.
990 21.10.2013 0530- CLM: HJDB RCN, Medellín.
1120 23.10.2013 0504- CLM: HJGH Oxígeno, Bucaramanga
1130 5.10.2013 0429- PRU: OAX4N R Bacán, Lince Lima. [1129.919].
1160 20.10.2013 0055- CLM: HJOC Fuego A.M, Bogotá
1180 5.10.2013 0430- PRU: UNID. [.010]->[.003]. Perhaps NSE Lima.
1340 5.10.2013 0429- PRU: OAQ4Q R Alegría, Lima.
1350 15.10.2013 0458- ARG: LS6 R Buenos Aires, Buenos Aires.
1350 23.10.2013 0158- CLM: HJOA R Uno, Santa Marta. “…en Radio Uno … 13-50, La Notiuno”. Ex-La Carinosa.
1350 5.10.2013 0430- EQA: HCVP2 Teleradio AM 13-50, Guayaquil. “13-50 AM Digital”.
1380 21.10.2013 0500- CLM: HJMM Vida AM, Valledupar
1380 5.10.2013 0430- PRU: OCY4U R Nuevo Tiempo, Lima
1470 5.10.2013 0438- EQA: HCLD2 R Ecos de Naranjito, Naranjito
1470 19.10.2013 2359- VEN: YVSY R Vibración, Carúpano. Vibra is back!”Solar 101.5 FM”.
1510 5.10.2013 0433- PRU: OCX6Q R Alegría, Arequipa


621 22.11.2013 0200- RUS: R Komi Gor, Syktyvkar

540 28.11.2013 0300- CAN: CBT Grand Falls NL
570 26.11.2013 0530- CAN: CFCB Corner Brook NL. “Local news now”.
680 27.11.2013 0500- ALS: KBRW Barrow AK
820 26.11.2013 0600- USA: WBAP Fort Worth TX.
820 26.11.2013 0502- USA: WCPT Willow Springs IL. “Chicago’s Progressive Talk”.
830 26.11.2013 0700- USA: WCCO Minneapolis MN
850 26.11.2013 0404- USA: KOA Denver CO. Fox News Radio
1280 28.11.2013 0159- USA: WNAM Neenah-Menasha WI. “Thanks for listening to America’s Best Music, 12-80 AM WNAM…”.
1290 28.11.2013 0200- CAN: CJBK London ON.
1290 26.11.2013 0059- USA: WKBK Keene NH. Also 28.11.
1290 5.11.2013 0301- USA: WRNI Providence RI.
1300 28.11.2013 0300- USA: WGDJ Rensselaer NY.
1320 26.11.2013 0203- USA: WILS Lansing MI.
1360 26.11.2013 0301- USA: WKAT North Miami FL.
1430 28.11.2013 0259- CAN: CHKT Toronto ON. “CHKT Fairchild Radio”.
1430 28.11.2013 0300- USA: WENE Endicott NY. “WENE Endicott”.
1430 28.11.2013 0300- USA: WNSW Newark NJ. “AM 14-30 WNSW”.
1460 28.11.2013 0400- USA: WHIC Rochester NY. EWTN.
1470 28.11.2013 0231- USA: WLAM Lewiston ME. “The Oldies Channel”.
1510 26.11.2013 0303- USA: KCKK Littleton CO. “AM 15-10 and 93.7”.
1660 28.11.2013 0300- USA: WWRU Jersey City NJ.

830 4.11.2013 0359- DOM: R HIJB, Santo Domingo
1570 21.11.2013 0603- GTM: TGVE VEA Voz Evangelica de América, Guatemala. “Radio Veea”.

1010 3.11.2013 0459- CLM: HJCC Acuario Estéreo, Santa Fé de Bogotá. Ex-Reloj site.
1130 2.11.2013 0501- CLM: HJQQ Oxigeno, Pasto.
1260 25.11.2013 0604- CLM: RCN Cesar, Valledupar. [.999] “RCN”
1280 2.11.2013 0503- CLM: HJLR Caracol R, Pasto.
1310 2.11.2013 0458- B: ZYJ684 R Globo Rondônia, Pôrto Velho. Also 13.11.
1350 22.11.2013 0431- CLM: HJHL Oxigeno, Ibagué
1370 22.11.2013 0430- VEN: YVSV R Nacional de Venezuela, Acarigua
1380 25.11.2013 0558- CLM: HJMM Vida AM, Valledupar.
1390 25.11.2013 0629- CLM: HJZY La Primera, Bucaramanga. Swedish sources tell that Radio Maria here is this one. [.986]
1390 25.11.2013 0556- VEN: YVZO R Lumen, Maracaibo
1420 22.11.2013 0631- CLM: HJBH R Magdalena, Santa Marta


567 5.12.2013 -0400 RUS: R Volgograd, Volgograd.
585 5.12.2013 -0400 RUS: R Rossii, Perm.
684 5.12.2013 1600- RUS: R Radonezh, Sankt-Petersburg-Olgino.
765 5.12.2013 -0400 RUS: R Karelii, Pedaselga. “Radio Rossii, Karelii”.
918 20.12.2013 1410- RUS: R Pomorye, Arkhangelsk. “V efire Radio Rossii, Pomorye”. TK
1287 16.12.2013 1410- RUS: R Vaynah, Groznyj. “Radio Rossii, Radio Vaynah”.
1314 16.12.2013 0000- ROU: R Oltenia Craiova, Craiova. “Aici Craiova, Romania”.

1143 20.12.2013 1530- IRN: IRIB R Iran, Yasuj

1320 24.12.2013 0400- USA: WLQY Hollywood FL
1480 28.12.2013 0628- USA: WLMV Madison WI. “La Movida”.
1610 30.12.2013 0358- CAN: CHHA Toronto ON. “Radio Voces, Latinas”.
1640 24.12.2013 0401- USA: WTNI Biloxi MS. [.178].
1650 30.12.2013 0402- CAN: CINA Missisauga ON. “16-50 AM, CINA”.
1670 23.12.2013 0559- USA: WPLA Dry Branch GA. [.011].

970 16.12.2013 0704- VIR: WSTX St. Croix VI
1140 29.12.2013 0528- HND: HRVC La Voz Evangélica, Choluteca [.028]
1190 24.12.2013 0458- CUB: CMKC R Revolución, Chivirico, Santiago de Cuba. Also 29.12.
1280 24.12.2013 0400- CUB: CMKW R Mambí, Santiago de Cuba.
1300 23.12.2013 0628- + HND: HRLH CCI Radio, Tegucigalpa
1390 23.12.2013 0631- HND: HRVC La Voz Evangélica, Tegucigalpa/Sta Rosa de Copán
1470 24.12.2013 0557- MEX: XEAI R Fórmula, México DF.
1570 29.12.2013 0600- GTM: TGVE VEA Voz Evangelica de América, Guatemala.
1570 24.12.2013 0600- MEX: XERF La Poderosa, Cd. Acuña. “La Poderosa”

660 16.12.2013 0701- PRU: OCX4R R La Inolvidable, Lima
730 16.12.2013 0700- PRU: OAX4G RPP Noticias, San Isidro, Lima.
770 16.12.2013 0704- VEN: YVKK R Nacional de Venezuela, Valencia
1020 16.12.2013 0700- VEN: YVMX R Calendario, Maracaibo. Now with this name, before I heard it as “Continente”.
1240 4.12.2013 0632- UNID: Radio Maria [.998]
1260 29.12.2013 0700- CLM: HJDA R Auténtica, Medellín. [.984].
1280 27.12.2013 0633- CLM: HJKN R Única, Bogotá
1310 29.12.2013 0601- CLM: HJAK La Voz de la Patria, Barranquilla. [1309.681].
1320 4.12.2013 0559- CLM: HJNV La Cariñosa RCN Radio, Girardot.
1340 25.12.2013 0428- VEN: YVNE R Uno, Caracas. Also 29.12.
1380 29.12.2013 0655-0705 CLM: HJJD NSE Radio, Medellín. Listed in WRTH 2014 as R. Nuestra Señora del Encuentro con Dios.
1390 22.12.2013 0459- PRU: R Fé, Chiclayo
1490 25.12.2013 0426- VEN: YVXD La Dinámica, Caracas
1550 23.12.2013 0701- CLM: HJZI G12 Radio, Bogotá. “Esta es he doce radio … 1550 AM … HJZI…”. Also 22.12.
1560 4.12.2013 0701- CLM: HJXZ Santa Maria de la Paz R, Medellín. Also 5.12. etc.
1580 29.12.2013 0632- CLM: HJRM Caracol Radio, Sincelejo.
1590 25.12.2013 0359- VEN: YVUD R Deporte, Caracas.

In the next “Radiomaailma” will be my article based on list above (in Finnish).

Honduras and other recent loggings

December 29, 2013 By: admin Category: BC-stations, DX-listening

Propagation has been very interesting last two weeks. Not very good always, but we’ve got some interesting openings like a long opening to Honduras on the 23rd Dec, shorter to Mexico City on the Christmas Eve and then nice condx to Caracas on the 25th. On the 26th I noticed that my antenna (which is at the remote station) was broken, seems that it went broken at night of 26th.

North America

1130 22.12. 0000- USA: KTCN Minneapolis MN.
1150 23.12. 0500- USA: WHBY Kimberly WI. Previous morning even better. In Europe Radio Sonora from Guatemala was heard here.
1290 24.12. 0100- USA: WKBK Keene NH. 3rd time this season.
1300 24.12. 0100- USA: WGDJ Rensselaer NY.
1320 24.12. 0400- USA: WLQY Hollywood FL.
1640 24.12. 0401- USA: WTNI Biloxi MS. Ads and IDs in the sports px. Good signal and nice state. New one for me. [.178].
1670 23.12. 0559- USA: WPLA Dry Branch GA. Another new one. [.011].

Central America

1190 24.12. 0458- CUB: CMKC R Revolución, Chivirico, Santiago de Cuba.
1280 24.12. 0400- CUB: CMKW R Mambí, Santiago de Cuba. I noticed a station few Hz below NotiUno with certain “Cuban audio”. Station was fading with NotiUno very badly but after some careful listening I could understand the ID which was something like: “Radio informatico de Cuba … CMKW Radio Mambí … Santiago de Cuba..”. Fellow DXer JMS confirmed my hearing and told that JPR has heard this few times (even there are no loggings in OLL).
1300 23.12. 0628- HND: HRLH CCI Radio, Tegucigalpa. This was heard over half an hour with split [1299.970] same time with HRVC 1390. I couldn’t find real ID from my files but identity of this religious station seemed to be quite certain. Anders Hulqvist in Sweden heard this last year also with HRVC. Many other DXers in Sweden and at least PUL/R in Finland, received this same time. By my suprise they replied to me quickly writing that yes, it is their programme. I’ve heard a programme which was originally a cermon of American pastor Adrian Rogers called “El Amor Que Vale” (or “Love Worth Finding” in English, see comment of Henrik Klemetz below). One of the highlights in 2013 for sure!
1390 23.12. 0631- HND: HRVC La Voz Evangélica, Tegucigalpa/Sta Rosa de Copán. Good solid signal over half an hour. Talk programme with good IDs. [.997]
1470 24.12. 0557- MEX: XEAI R Fórmula, México DF. Excellent IDs and national anthem.
1570 24.12. 0600- MEX: XERF La Poderosa, Cd. Acuña. “La Poderosa” and national anthem. Split was old [.004]. Also XEUR 1530 came somehow but too weak for reception report.
1620 23.12. 0400- VIR: WDHP Frederiksted, St Croix. “You’ve been listening to WDHP…” [.990].

South America

1340 25.12. 0428- VEN: YVNE R Uno, Caracas. Long and good signal with music px. Counted seconds to Christmas. Three new Caracas stations this morning: YVNE, YVXD and YVUD. Now I have heard 45 different YV stations on Mediumwaves (2012-2013).
1370 25.12. 0425- CLM: HJBO Emisora Minuto de Dios, Barranquilla.
1390 22.12. 0459- PRU: R Fé, Chiclayo. Thanks to HK for help with this split [.066] which I heard already in September (24.9.). Henrik had eg. good audio clip of time announcement of this station, which was identical to what I heard. Faint ID here too. Station is closing down just after 05Z.
1460 22.12. 0702- CLM: HJJW Emisora Nuevo Continente, Bogotá. Also strong Columbians 1590, 1580, 1550, 1520, 1490, 1450, 1410, 1400, 1340, 1250, but nothing new or more interesting.
1490 25.12. 0426- VEN: YVXD La Dinámica, Caracas. [.013] Same time also Llanerísima [1429.906], but possible ID is too weak.
1550 23.12. 0701- CLM: HJZI G12 Radio, Bogotá. At first couldn’t understand the ID (“Esta es he doce radio … 1550 AM … HJZI…”). Heard also 22.12. at 0502Z.
1590 23.12. 0700- CLM: HJIP BBN, Envigado. Lately heard in the many mornings.
1590 25.12. 0359- VEN: YVUD R Deporte, Caracas. [.997].


QSLs: WSTX for a new country!

December 26, 2013 By: admin Category: BC-stations, DX-listening, QSL

Some new ones:

600. HJJM Radio Auténtica, Cali 660 kHz

Radio Auténtica is not the most common Colombian, only heard it twice this season on this interesting frequency. They replied in one day via Facebook. My 600th QSL!

601. CFCB Corner Brook NL 570 kHz

This 1kW transmitter has been heard regularly during the NA openings opf this season. I sent my report to Richard King, who confirmed my VOCM receptions earlier and he verified my report quickly.

602. WCCO Minneapolis MN 830 kHz

At my QTH the most common US station in this channel is WCRN, but I was able to hear WCCO in November. I sent an email to their address mentioned on website (newstips@..) and by my suprise I got a quick replay from Colin Smith (Anchor/Reporter) and then later another replay from Adam Carter (News Anchor/Reporter). With Adam I wrote few times – as usual we were talking about icehockey (Minnesota Wild)!

603. WSTX St. Croix VI 970 kHz

I have heard this station from US Virgin Islands 3 times this season. My earlier email was not answered. I found the owner of the station, Kevin A. Rames, and emailed my report to his company’s email address – he is an attorney. Kevin replied quickly with a nice email and said that WSTX AM and FM (Caledonia Communications) is a family owned radio station. He is planning to give the radio station to his son when he graduates. This email was a nice suprise and was a new country verified.


Peru and other December loggins

December 23, 2013 By: admin Category: BC-stations, DX-listening

December has been a bit dissapointing condition-wise, but there has been a couple of interesting nights (4th and 16th). Particulary the 16th of December was interesting: it sounded first like another poor night with weak mix condx until around 0700z the band peaked to Peru. With identified stations I heard some interesting UNIDs, like a wobbler religious station on 920, which is probably Radio Vision Cristiana from Peru.

As per today looks like that condx to NA are peaking around Christmas Eve.


567 5.12. -0400 RUS: R Volgograd, Volgograd. Local ads and wx for Volgograd oblast.
585 5.12. -0400 RUS: R Rossii, Perm. Local ads to Perm then after local ID and then Moscow news.
684 5.12. 1600- RUS: R Radonezh, Sankt-Petersburg-Olgino.
765 5.12. -0400 RUS: R Karelii, Pedaselga. Also ID: “Radio Rossii, Karelii”.
918 20.12. 1410- RUS: R Pomorye, Arkhangelsk. “V efire Radio Rossii, Pomorye”.
1287 16.12. 1410- RUS: R Vaynah, Groznyj. “Radio Rossii, Radio Vaynah”.
1314 16.12. 0000- ROU: R Oltenia Craiova, Craiova. “Aici Craiova, Romania”.


639 5.12. -0630 E: RNE1 Galicia, La Coruña. “Provincia de Lugo”.
648 5.12. -0630 E: RNE Extremadura, Badajoz.


1143 20.12. 1530- IRN: IRIB R Iran, Yasuj. No local. New TX as it has not heard before?

North America

570 20.12. 0231- CAN: CFCB Corner Brook NL.
580 20.12. 0730- CAN: CFRA Ottawa ON.
610 20.12. 0259- USA: WIOD Miami FL.
1200 5.12. 0700- CAN: CFGO Ottawa ON.

Central America

970 16.12. 0704- VIR: WSTX St. Croix VI. Mixed language Jingle Bells. I have not got QSL for my earlier report. Also 640 Guadeloupe was heard.

South America

660 16.12. 0701- PRU: OCX4R R La Inolvidable, Lima. Heard about 5 minutes with good reception. ID followed by short guitar tune.
730 16.12. 0700- PRU: OAX4G RPP Noticias, San Isidro, Lima. Outstanding signal.
770 16.12. 0704- VEN: YVKK R Nacional de Venezuela, Valencia. Faded with RCN, which has 3Hz difference to this.
890 16.12. 0659- CLM: HJCE Radio Continental, Bogota. Frequency is now upper than it used to be [.060]. Todelar.
890 20.12. 0601- CLM: HJPM R Galeón, Santa Marta. Together with America the most common here.
890 16.12. 0059- VEN: YVLW R América, Valencia. [.002].
900 16.12. 0700- VEN: YVMD R Venezuela “Mara Ritmo”, Maracaibo.
1020 16.12. 0700- VEN: YVMX R Calendario, Maracaibo. Earlier this season I have heard this twice with “Continente” IDs, now ID was “Radio Calendario”.
1120 4.12. 0600- CLM: HJKQ Bésame, Tunja. “Esta es Bésame Tunja, 1120 AM, Radio Apasionada”.
1240 4.12. 0632- UNID: Radio Maria. Maybe from Colombia. Dominican is another option, probably not from Peru [.998].
1250 4.12. 0600- CLM: HJCA Capital R, Bogotá.
1320 4.12. 0559- CLM: HJNV La Cariñosa RCN Radio, Girardot.
1370 4.12. 0604- VEN: YVSV R Nacional de Venezuela, Acarigua.
1380 4.12. 0700- CLM: HJMM Vida AM, Valledupar. “Radio Lluvia” also here.
1420 4.12. 0557- CLM: HJBH R Magdalena, Santa Marta.
1520 4.12. 0600- CLM: R Lluvia, Bogotá. = Libertad. If I understood correclty, Lluvia was broadcasted between 3.-8.12. via several stations. In Bogota also via 1130 Vida.
1560 4.12. 0701- CLM: HJXZ Santa Maria de la Paz R, Medellín. Aviamento 1530 also heard.

Utily stations

570 20.12. 0930- NOR: LF4J Norsky Hydro / Brage. Voimakas läpi yön ja aamun.

Radio Libertad 620 and other new QSLs

December 17, 2013 By: admin Category: BC-stations, DX-listening, QSL

Again some QSLs have arrived.

593. – 595. SER Radio Coruña 1080, SER Radio Pontevedra 1116, SER Radio Valladolid 1044
SER stations have been like a black hole for me. Earlier this year I got zero replies to my email reports. Now I tried Facebook and got immediately 3 replies! I think success rate was 75 % (3 out of 4).

596. HJLR Caracol Radio, Pasto 1280
Puerto Rico is often blocking this frequency, but in November I was lucky to catch this Caracol. Claudia Ortega Sarria, Directora de noticias replied quickly.

597. Radio Libertad 620, Cabimas 620
I heard this rare Venezuelan in September. Reception was quite good. I don’t know if this has ever heard in Finland before. From internet I found Colombian DXer who had got QSL from Libertad. I emailed to him and got some v/s information. I also got similar email contact from Henrik Klemetz. By my suprise two months after my email to Antonio Contin, he replied and confirmed my reception. He also promised to send me something in mail. This is certainly my catch of 2013 together with Bolivian Radio Urkupiña.

598. WMSW Radio Once, Isabela 1120
They confirmed my report on Facebook.

599. ZYK766 Rádio Iguatemi, São Paulo 1370
Osmar Zini replied quickly. My second Brasilian QSL in 2013.

New QSLs – Radio Bacan etc.

December 08, 2013 By: admin Category: BC-stations, DX-listening, QSL

Some QSLs have arrived after I sent a bunch of reception reports.

584. NHK via Sitkunai, Lithuania 1386 kHz
I noticed that I have no QSL from Lithuania (post-USSR). So I emailed a report to NHK Russian department via their web page. They confirmed by email and probably will send a paper QSL later.

585. Radio Khvylia, Vinnitsya 1377 kHz
Short Ukrainian email confirmed my report. This is a new local station from Ukraine.

586. BBC R Cornwall 630 kHz & 95.20 MHz
I sent them an email last summer for my FM-reception, but got no replay. Now after hearing them twice on AM, I sent another email and got quick response confirming my both reports.

587. BBC Radio Jersey 1026 kHz
This was heard same time than I heard Cornwall for the first time. Jon Gripton confirmed via email.

588. BBC Hereford & Worcester 1584 kHz
This one has not replied earlier but now Howard Bentham, Breakfast Presenter confirmed my report.

589. AIR Suratgarh 918 kHz
590. AIR Rajkot 1071 kHz

K.C. Sharma of GOS confirmed my reports quickly. Rajkot is regular here but Suratgarh I have heard only once.

591. WLAM Lewiston ME 1470 kHz
The most common US station on 1470, but I didn’t get any reply via email last winter. Now they verified my report quickly via Facebook.

592. OAX4N Radio Bacán, Lince Lima
This was heard in the 4th of October this year. They replied quickly with a scanned mail … via email 🙂