OH1NOA WWFF Summer Tour 2020 to Baltic States – statistics
My summer trip to Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania is now over.
Here is some statistics:
– 15 activation days (+2 travel days) – activated 1-3 references every day (+before WWFF activation operated as ES1NOA/2 in IARU contest some 200qs)
– 28 references
– 2800+ kilometres
– 5932 qsos in the log
– 31 stations worked at least 44 qsos to qualify for an award
– OH1IU had the most qsos (105), followed by OH5KT (103) and OH6GAZ (101)
– 7 stations worked me from every 28 references: OH1IU, OH6RP, OH6GAZ, OH4MFA, OH1XT, OG7J and SP8LEP. SQ2LKY, SP2SV, ON4ON and OH1LD got 27.
– the most popular reference was LYFF-0189 Karkles with 339 qsos
– the lowest qso number was from ESFF-0171 Padaoru, 119 qsos