Half way October log
Lousy lousy October so far. Especially with my current antenna. Excellent PRG/URU-condx in the 15th of October!
North America
1200 1.10. 0428- USA: WXKS Newton MA. Bloomberg.
South America
590 11.10. 0400- ARG: LS4 Radio Continental, Buenos Aires.
730 15.10. 0502- PRG: ZP7 Radio Cardinal, Asunción. WWW-address few times, split [.018]. Amazing LaPlata this morning: 560, 610, 640, 670, 680, 700, 710, 760, 800 …
770 15.10. 0428- URG: CX12 Radio Oriental, Montevideo.
780 15.10. 0502- PRG: ZP70 Radio Primero de Marzo, Asunción. Announced the name of their programme: “Madrugada 780”. [.995] 799.988 possibly La Unión and 1029.092 Nanduti.
790 15.10. 0333- ARG: LR6 Radio Mitre, Buenos Aires BA.
820 15.10. 0456- ARG: LRA8 Radio Nacional, Formosa. //870, 960.
940 15.10. 0333- ARG: LRH200 Radio Chajarí, Chajarí. //790 Mitre.
1300 1.10. 0433- CLM: HJLD Q’Hubo Radio, Pereira. The first CLM with ID for me from this QRG.
1350 1.10. 0402- CLM: HJDS Ondas de la Montaña, Medellín.
1560 1.10. 0426- CLM: HJXZ Santa Maria de la Paz Radio, Medellin. 1580.068 with interesting mx. 1530 rel with a bit rough audio.