OH1NOA Ham Radio and DXing/MWDX Site

Global Pirate HF-Weekend 14-15.1.2012

January 14, 2012 By: admin Category: BC-stations

Radio Black Bird QSLI have recently activated my other old hobby: listening of foreign broadcasting stations on medium- and shortwaves. This weekend there was a special activity for so called “free radio” around the world, so many “pirate stations” have been active. I decided to log my MW/SW catched to this blog.

14th January 2012

6170 FIN: Scandinavian Weekend Radio, Virrat with strong 59+30dB signal. This is a legal station although many DJs have strong free radio background (and some are hams). DJ Häkä already confirmed my reception report by email. 1100-
6205 NLD: Sluwe Vos Radio. Sent thanks for report to me in live transmission. 1414-1420*
6300 NLD: Radio Morning Star. Bad QRM. 1505-
6320 NLD: Radio Osaka. 1526-
6331 NLD: Radio Boomerang. Close down just after coming to QRG. -1444*
6374,7 R Caroline International. One of many R Carolines. 1250-
6920 NLD: Trans Europe Radio. “This is test transmission of Trans Europe Radio”. Sent also greetings to me. Good signal with 60 watts and G5RV antenna. 1302-1328*
6925 NLD: Radio Mustang. Very loud although said that he is “low power station”. -1457*
7535 NLD: Trans Europe Radio. Heard also here with strong S9+10dB. In live transmission said thanks to me for my email report and promised to send me a QSL card next week. 1500-
15235 NLD: Radio Shadow. Good signal, playing oldies. 1225-
15460 NLD: Radio Black Bird. Also sent greetings to me in live transmission. MUF was down, fading from average to zero. Black Bird already sent me QSL via email and mentioned that he used CB-antenna 1 meter above the ground with 4 radials. 1126-
15515 NLD: Radio Borderhunter. This station is probably in Baarle-Hertog or Baarle-Nassau.

I already received email-QSLs from SWR and Radio Black Bird (who is ham radio operator too…).

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